Juls WFA Blog
First Splash of 2025...3/14/25
by Capt Juls on 03/14/25Good news! The new Vexus is in the driveway, and this morning will be the first launch of the season.
It's Been a Long Winter! Time to Dust the Cobwebs Off...2/26/2025
by Capt Juls on 02/26/25It's been a long winter, and it's now time to start thinking spring!
Fishing with Craig, Scott, and Joe....11/24/2024
by Capt Juls on 11/24/24Craig won this trip at the South Shore Marine Charity Event, this past April. We initially had a spring date set, but good old Mother Nature decided to blow, so we rescheduled. It would happen one more time, on the alternate date they had picked in early summer, so we waited until Fall. The first fall date was a blow day, too. We were scheduled to go yesterday, but again...it blew. I told Craig that today was the only option left. I told him, "Due to the weather coming in, I'm not running any later this season.
More Thoughts on Another Cold Day...11/22/2024
by Capt Juls on 11/22/24It should go without saying, that there is no perfect boat set up, for trolling, because what works for one boat owner, might not work best for another. After 24 years of working out of a boat, I have had the experiences, to help me know what I like, and wanted to add to my boat. I'm sharing these thoughts, in case it helps someone else.
Running Off Shore Boards Set to Release...11/21/2024
by Capt Juls on 11/21/24For years, I ran my Off Shore inline planer boards so that both releases were attached to the line on their way in. This past year, I tried running them the way I learned on Mark Romanack's YouTube Channel, "Fishing 411".
As This Season Ends...11/21/2024
by Capt Juls on 11/21/24My last trip, which was an attempted perch trip, this past Friday, resulted in the power steering going out on the 400, so the trip was cut short. Luckily, we made it back to the dock and loaded out, but it was definitely getting close to completely going out. I knew what it was, because it had done the same thing back in late October. Dubbert's found the PS fluid reservoir low and filled it back up. It was working fine for the next couple of trips, but then...went out again.
Fishing with Justin, Doug, and Jim...11/3/2024
by Capt Juls on 11/03/24Justin is someone I met at a launch one morning, a couple of years ago. He is from MN, and has a Vexus DVX22, just like me, so we struck up a conversation, and chatted about the boats, fishing Lake Erie, and other small talk. He said he wanted to hire me, to learn some things, and after a reschedule or two, we finally made it out, this morning.
Fishing with Frank and Ray....10/27/2024
by Capt Juls on 10/27/24Frank and Ray are staying at the Plantation Motel for the week, so I asked them to meet me at the Huron ramp at 7:30, so we could be launched by 7:45. However, I got there at 6:45, because I expected the get ready lanes to be jammed up, and I wanted to make it to the front of the line, before they got there. But, to my surprise, it really wasn't that busy that early, and I was able to get one of the front spots right away. So, I sent Frank a text, and told him I was there, and that whenever they were ready, they should head over. They made it there by 7:15, and we were headed out of the river just as the sky started to paint itself with colors of oranges and yellows, at 7:30.
Fishing with Sherman and Nancy...10/25/2024
by Capt Juls on 10/26/24Nancy had bought this trip for her husband Sherman, for his birthday present. He is a follower on Walleye.com, and uses my info to help them when hey travel up from the Cincinnati area, to fish Lake Erie. :)
Fishing with Dick and Brad....10/22/2024
by Capt Juls on 10/22/24Dick and Brad are two of my regulars, that I have been fishing with for many years now. They have their own boats, but like to hire me to get a refresher course, on how to run boards and dipsies, from time to time. So, today, we were going after some walleye.
Fishing with Matt and Mattox...10/20/2024
by Capt Juls on 10/22/24I met Matt and his son Mattox in Huron at 7:45. Capt Tim Joseph offered to dump us in at the launch, so we could just head out...thanks Tim! :)
Fishing with Logan and Danielle...10/19/2024
by Capt Juls on 10/19/24I wanted to sleep until 4am this morning, but Ella, my little piggy Pit Bull, decided that 2:30 was a better time for me to get up, and was relentless, so I gave in, and got up. We headed out to the back deck with dog treats and my much needed coffee, and was greeted with a warmer morning than the past two previous mornings.
Day Two Fishing with Bob and Bruce...10/18/2024
by Capt Juls on 10/18/24Long story short, because it's been a really long day, and I have to get to bed soon.
Fishing with Bob and Bruce...10/17/2024
by Capt Juls on 10/17/24It was cold this morning, when I took my coffee and dogs out on the back deck. The low was 37 degrees. I told Bob and Bruce it would be a later start, due to the air temp, and would pick them up at the Whitecaps Motel at 9:15. The plan was for a 10am launch. But, as the morning progressed, I texted them to tell them I would be picking them up at 8:15, instead. It was still chilly out, but I didn't think there would be any ice on the ramps, from boats launching ahead of us.
Fishing with Paul and Donna Maynard......10/11/2024
by Capt Juls on 10/12/24Paul's son and daughter had bought him an adventure for Father's Day, and he chose a perch trip. :)
Fishing with Lisa...10/5/2024
by Capt Juls on 10/05/24This is going to be a long one, which is not usual for my perch fishing reports...sorry, not sorry. :)
Fishing with Robby and Carson....9/22/2024
by Capt Juls on 09/22/24Robbi and his boy Carson came up from KY to fish with me, on a recommendation from a previous customer, who is friends with him. They wanted to fish for walleye, so we were headed to Huron, this morning.
Fishing with Tom, PJ, and Zach...9/21/2024
by Capt Juls on 09/22/24
Fishing with Dan and Ed....9/20/2024
by Capt Juls on 09/20/24Yesterday, I got a text from Dan Ireland. He's a previous customer, from back in May...he and his friend were staying here all week. They bring Dan's little boat over from Missouri.
Fishing with Eric and Mike...9/19/2024
by Capt Juls on 09/20/24Just a quick report...