2 Days Perch'n with Marc, Jim, and Greg 9/19-9/20/16
by Capt Juls on 09/20/16Both mornings, I left the house a little after 5am, to go pick up my Wisconsin crew from their hotel at 5:30. Each morning I arrived to find them all ready and waiting to go...woot! woot!
Marc and Jim are from Cedarburg, WI, and have fished with me for the past few years, but Greg never has. He's a friend of their's, who is from their area, but now lives in Arizona a lot of the time. So, it was nice that he could spend some time with his friends.
We would hit the gas station, Hi Way Bait, and then Big Bopper's for breakfast on our way to the launch...(nothing out of the ordinary there, eh...;).)
Yesterday, we launched out of Catawba, but this morning I opted for Mazurik's, due to the SW wind (it blows into Catawba from that direction, and makes it bumpy in there, if you know what I mean.) Anyway...we ended up in the same place both days....up above North Bass between the three cans....the green and red cans on the NE corner of North Bass, and the red one to the west, up on the line, referred to as "Taco Bell".
Yesterday, there were a ton of boats up there by the afternoon too. We had gotten up there early...I think we were the third or fourth boat there, and by mid to late morning there was what I called, "A fleet coming in".
It was crazy how many boats moved in...oh well.
Then, the winds laid down, and the lake went flat....and, so did our bite. It was a slow bite, but slow/steady for a while (we put 60 fish in the cooler at that point).
I was less patient with the spots yesterday, and moved around a lot, trying to find a better bite, instead of just waiting them out, and picking at them at the slower pace. Which in hindsight, would have been the correct thing to do.
We ended yesterday with only 73...but, they were nice ...22 pounds at the "Port Clinton Fish, Co." :)
This morning, we launched in the dark at Mazurik's, and headed to the same area. We were the first boat there! Woot! Woot!
I stopped the boat on top of some numbers Capt Nate Estrada gave me...he runs the "Chelsea IV" boat. He and his crew were on a better bite than most around him, and he was kind enough to give me his numbers...thanks Nate! ;)
We stayed in that spot all morning, and caught 120 really nice perch that went 36 pounds at the cleaners. We had more wind this morning, so I think that really helped keep those fish moving around more. It was a nice steady pick. Not up and down, but not really that slow either. It took us 5 hours, but it was a fun 5 hours. :)
My Wisconsin crew was a real pleasure to fish with, and I'm sure I'll see them again next season for the walleye bite in the late spring.
I have another perch trip in the morning...I have someplace else to check out for tomorrow....received a good report, but since it's not my report, I can't freely give out the information. Sorry!
So, fingers crossed for good weather and a good bite tomorrow...
Stay tuned....
Capt Juls
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