Fishing with Joe and Glenn 6/22/2020
by Capt Juls on 06/22/20I'm not even sure how to start this one, because this three day trip almost didn't happen! I made a booking error and had originally had two other fellas booked for today and tomorrow, but the other day they called and asked if they could reschedule, because they said the forecast didn't look very good. I said, "Sure, no problem. I was going to go to Wisconsin to visit family the first week of July, but have decided to stay home, so I can move you to July 1st and 2nd if you like". They agreed and moved their dates. I was kind of happy to have a couple days off after 8 straight days of fishing, so I climbed into bed thinking I would do some catching up on my sleep. Then, I got the text....
"What time do you want us to meet you in the morning?" I stared at my phone..."Oh no, what did I do?", I thought as the panic set in. I looked again at the name, and then the calendar and found this crew to be scheduled for next Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday! "Okay, don't panic", I said to myself. "Who do I have on Wednesday?" I found it was my regulars, Steve and Jeremy, who I knew would understand and help me out with this crew's third day, by rescheduling their day.
I sent Jeremy a text asking if they would mind very much changing to next week and he replied, "That's fine. I completely forgot, and booked a trip to Hilton Head, so the Universe is helping us out!" Whew! Crisis averted!
Now, I just had to get my mind right again and in fishing mode for their three day trip....not an easy task when you let things go till tomorrow, because you think you have the day off. lol
Back to business...the alarm went off at 2:45, and I got up to feed the critters their breakfast. Checked the wind and weather forecast and found it to be a good morning. We might get a little wet, but the rain coming in didn't look like it would be much more than a misty type of rain. I could deal with that.
Per the usual routine, I hit the gas station at 4:15 and gassed up the Ranger and grabbed some ice for the coolers. I topped off the oil in the G2, because it's been two or three trips now, and I like to do it that often, so I know it will never run low no matter how long of a run I have to make. When that was all done, I headed over to Mazurik's and started getting things ready.
Unlike the weekend, Monday's are my favorite, because there is no one at the ramp and it's nice and quiet. It gave me time to rig some rods and wipe the boat down before they got there. They showed up at 5am and we were headed out at 5:15.
This time, I didn't go north, but rather NE. It was still dark(ish) on the water, but the lake was calm, so we took our time at a nice cruising speed of 40mph, and went 14 miles to an area I've been wanting to check out. It's usually good this time of year, but I hadn't been out there yet to check it. I figured today was a good day to go look, because if they weren't there, then it was an easy ride to go someplace else, and wouldn't take up much time.
The Commercial Perch nets are out there now, in a line for miles, so be watchful for those if you head out into the big water east of Kelly's.
Joe and Glenn had little experience running Off Shore boards and dipsies, and were ready for some training. I showed them how to attach the boards and set them out. After I got the first one out, Joe was letting the second Bandit out when I said, "Stop that one, we have a fish on that outside board". "What? Already?", Joe asked, while Glenn chuckled. Then, Glenn's first board went back while he was busy futzing with his second rod...I said, "We have another fish on over there now too". They got them both in...nothing big, just good eaters. Back to square one...with no lines in the water. They got busy and set them out.
We ran two Bandits on the port side and two Mag 44's on the starboard side. The Bandits were out 100 and 50 back (one ow and one high). The Mags were 90 and 60 back. Only one fish caught on the Mag side, so I swapped them out for a couple of Walleye Nation Creation Reapers at 100 and 77 back. Nothing. So, I swapped them out for the Flicker Minnows at 65 and 57 back. Both of those numbers caught fish.
Speed again was 2.3-2.5mph.
The dipsies were set on the same program as the past week....3 setting at 65 and 75 back and the 1 setting at 54 back. Scorpion spoons on three rods and a black/gold Ripplin Redfin on the fourth. All of them caught fish. When the marks on the Helix diminished, we turned and headed back over the same trail, but the bite was slower. They definitely preferred the other direction.
As we came down by the first net we saw on the way out, we turned and headed west. One of the commercial perch boats was headed towards that first net, so I said, "Let's pick up and move over to where I was yesterday", pointing to the NE side of Kelly's and Middle Island.
We only needed three more fish, and probably could have just kept trolling, but when the screen is practically bare, it's hard to stay patient and keep on trolling.
We set up again and had our last three within a half hour....then, headed in.
The rain mostly stayed on the mainland, so it was kind of nice to be out on the lake watching it pass. It was a little drizzly when we rode in, but it wasn't bad. The rain was done by the time we got back to Mazurik's.
Tomorrow's weather is calling for southerly winds and only a 34% chance of rain, so it should be a nice morning. We might have a later start, depending on the wind forecast that I see when I get up tomorrow. I'll text the guys at 3am and let them know what time to meet me at the ramp.
Stay tuned....
Capt Juls
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