It's Been a Long Winter! Time to Dust the Cobwebs Off...2/26/2025 : Juls WFA Blog
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It's Been a Long Winter! Time to Dust the Cobwebs Off...2/26/2025

by Capt Juls on 02/26/25

It's been a long winter, and it's now time to start thinking spring!

I got word that the new 2025 Vexus DVX22 is sitting on a truck, ready to make the trip up to Fisherman's Central, in Ohio, as soon as another boat is finished and is loaded up, too. Hopefully, it will ship early next week.

There are only a few things that will be added/rigged at the store, since everything else was rigged at the plant.

The iTroll, a dedicated H'Bird for mapping only, and some Cisco products, are the only things I need to add, I think, so it shouldn't take that long.

I'll be running Garmin Electronics on the boat, this, that's going to be new to me, but other than that, it will be basically set up like my last Vexus.

Looking at yesterday's satellite picture, it shows the ice diminishing, rapidly.  It will be cold again this weekend, but it's only a two-day cold...and, then, it warms up again, next week.  Hopefully, it will stay in the warmer temps throughout the rest of the month, so we can get on the lake by mid-March.  I purposely didn't schedule anything before the last week of March, right now, due to not knowing exactly when I would have the new boat up here.

The big motor will need to be broken in, before I start taking clients out. But, that's only a day's worth of driving around on a nice day. Fingers are crossed that we get some nice days of open water in during mid-March, to do that.

My 2023 Vexus DVX22 is still for sale, and is on the showroom floor at Fisherman's Central...(in their Port Clinton, OH store).  She's all cleaned up, rigged, and ready to go.
Both of the motors had their 300 hour service done this past fall...even though there was only 272 hours on the 400 Verado...(saving the buyer a 2200.00+ bill). You're welcome. :)

I'll be in Huron March 1st, at the Huron Fishing Expo, with the Off Shore Tackle display, so stop on by and say, "Hi", if you're going too!  It opens at 9am and goes to 5pm.

On March 8th, I'll be over at the South Shore Marine Seminar/Charity event, too.

It won't be long, and we'll be fishing open water again. My fishing blog will be more active then, too. Thanks for being patient, and coming to check in. I appreciate you all! 

Stay tuned....

Capt Juls

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