Playing Catch up! : Juls WFA Blog
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Playing Catch up!

by Capt Juls on 05/02/15

Sorry for my lack of blogging, but I was beat and in bed by 6:30 the past few nights. 

Today I switched over to crawler harnesses and had much better success than I had lately on the crank baits. 

My crew, from Wisconsin, learned how to run Off Shore boards in quick fashion and were setting lines by 7:15 this morning.

We were running spinners with blades that were copper, gold, anti freeze, and pink backs. While all took fish at some point or another throughout the day, the copper and the antifreeze worked best.

1oz inlines 35 and 41 back and the number two Tadpoles were run 25 and 27 back. The Tadpoles definitely out fished the inlines for us today.

Speed was kept at 1.0 to 1.2 mph.

We were targeting a depth of 31-32 feet of water.  We tried three different areas and that depth seemed to be the magic number when the Onix would start marking fish for us. So, I'm sure if you find that depth with some marks on your screen, you will be able to catch some too.

Sorry this is so short, but I have to get to bed. I have the same crew in the morning, and originally they wanted a short 4 hour trip after today's 8 hour trip, but they asked me at the end of today's trip if they could extend tomorrow's trip an extra two hours longer.  That made me happy, because I knew then that they really had a good time. :)

So, we will start a 1/2 hour earlier tomorrow...I want to beat the AIM Tournament competitors on the water in the morning. lol

Now, it's way past my bed time already, so there you have a nut shell.

See you on the water tomorrow!

Good luck and be safe!

Stay tuned....

Capt Juls

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