Juls WFA Blog
Fishing with Jim and Chris Pugh 10/31/2020
by Capt Juls on 10/31/20Happy Halloween!
Fishing with Heather and Garrett 10/27/2020
by Capt Juls on 10/27/20Woke up and checked the wind forecast...it didn't change, so it was going to be a fishing day. The forecast was only calling for north winds less than 5mph from 7am until mid-afternoon, when it would switch and start coming out of the west.
Fishing with Doug and Ethan 10/17/2020
by Capt Juls on 10/17/20Ethan and his father Doug drove in from Dover, OH last night and stayed here in town. I picked them up, because we were going to launch over in Huron, and it was just easier than trying to tell them where to meet me. We all wore our masks during the drive, since we were in an enclosed truck cab, and maintained our social distance.
Fishing with Vito Centofanti 10/16/2020
by Capt Juls on 10/16/20This morning I was fishing with Vito, from my home state of Wisconsin, finally. I have had to reschedule him 4 times this season due to the Covid restrictions that started back in March, wind, and one screw up on my end where I had double booked, and the other person was on the calendar....not Vito. He understood and was super flexible...rebooking to today. The wind was worrisome this morning, because when I got to Mazurik's a little early to do some clean up and re-rigging, the wind was a little gusty out of the NNW. I couldn't see them yet, but I could hear the waves crashing on the rocks out in front of the launch.
Fishing with Vito Centofanti 10/16/2020
by Capt Juls on 10/16/20This morning I was fishing with Vito, from my home state of Wisconsin, finally. I have had to reschedule him 4 times this season due to the Covid restrictions that started back in March, wind, and one screw up on my end where I had double booked, and the other person was on the calendar....not Vito. He understood and was super flexible...rebooking to today. The wind was worrisome this morning, because when I got to Mazurik's a little early to do some clean up and re-rigging, the wind was a little gusty out of the NNW. I couldn't see them yet, but I could hear the waves crashing on the rocks out in front of the launch.
Fishing with Jeremy and Steve Chapman 10/14/2020
by Capt Juls on 10/14/20
Fishing with Jeremy and Steve Chapman 10/14/2020
by Capt Juls on 10/14/20
Fishing Day 2 with Greg and Ray 9/29/2020
by Capt Juls on 09/29/20Woke up at 3:30 and checked the wind forecast for today. It had gone down enough to make the call to go this morning, so I sent Greg a text to have them meet me at Mazurik's for a 7am launch.
Fishing with Greg and Ray 9/28/2020
by Capt Juls on 09/28/20I decided to drive over to Huron to launch this morning. I had Greg and Ray, who hail from Indiana, meet me at the Walmart parking lot. They showed up at 5:45. We hit the Speedway for gas and ice and then headed to Huron.
Fishing with John, Nelius, and "Papa" 9/26/2020
by Capt Juls on 09/26/20My trip yesterday was canceled by my customers, due to an unexpected death of a close friend of theirs, so Jenn and I took the opportunity to go fun fishing and get some fish for the eagles. It was also a chance for me to prefish for walleye for my customers today, since I had been perch fishing the previous 4 days.
Perch'n Day 4 with Bob and Bruce Brenton 9/24/2020
by Capt Juls on 09/24/20I headed to A and J Bait at 5:20am this morning... and, I was second in line... (They open at 6am). Then, drove home and got in the truck, and towed the boat over to Catawba to launch.
Perch'n Day Three with Bob and Bruce Brenton 9/23/2020
by Capt Juls on 09/23/20I'm going to keep this short, because I had a ton of things to do after fishing and I still have a lot more to do, but I wanted to update this blog with today's report.
Perch'n Day Two with Bob and Bruce 9/22/2020
by Capt Juls on 09/22/20Hit A&J Bait again this morning, but this time he was open and ready to serve minnows at 6am. :)
Perch'n with Bob and Bruce Brenton 9/21/2020
by Capt Juls on 09/21/20Headed over to AnJ's Bait this morning to pick up some minnows at 5:45, because they open at 6am and I wanted to be in line before it got too long. He arrived at the store to open it a few minutes before 6, but then spent the next 17 minutes counting out his drawer and bringing buckets of minnows over from the next building. So, if you go there first thing in the morning, expect to be waiting....sigh.
Fishing with Heather and her son, Garrett the "G-Man" 9/16/2020
by Capt Juls on 09/16/20Left the house at 5:45 and took the long way through town to go get gas and ice, before heading to Mazurik's to meet Heather and her son, Garrett at 6:45. Capt Kevin was ahead of me, so I asked him if he could launch me, since I wasn't sure if Heather would be comfortable backing the boat in and parking the trailer. He obliged and I waited at the courtesy dock for my crew who had just shown up.
Fishing with Mike, Marcus, and Brian 9/15/2020
by Capt Juls on 09/15/20My crew was supposed to fish with me yesterday, but more strong NE winds kept us off the lake....again. But, today was forecast to be a nice day, so we met at Mazurik's at 6:45 for a 7am launch time.
Fishing with Chad, Cade, and Garrett 9/6/2020
by Capt Juls on 09/06/20It was one of those mornings, where I walked outside to have my stomach do a flip pity-flop, because I noticed that the garden hose had twisted in the extension cord, and pulled it out of the plug in my boat. Everything was off, so I quieted my sudden panic and plugged it back in. I still had 45 minutes before I had to leave, and I hoped when I checked it before I left that it would be enough.
Labor Day Weekend...
by Capt Juls on 09/05/20Today is Saturday 9/5/2020.....I rescheduled today due to wind, and it being a good repeat customer with his two sons, so I know they like the better conditions to fish in...(and, so do I for that matter).
Fishing with Tom, Carol, and Andrew 9/1/2020
by Capt Juls on 09/01/20Yesterday, was just a short trip with only 4 walleye caught in slightly rough conditions, so I didn't bother to do a report.
Fishing with John, Bill, and Dave 8/24/2020
by Capt Juls on 08/24/20Once again, I left the house early to get some things done at the boat ramp while I waited for my crew. I showed up there at 5am, which would give me an hour and a half to pull a little line off the reels and retie the snaps to the crankbait rods, do the same with all the dipsies, attach new leads, and give the boat a good spray wax wipe down. But, my crew showed up a half hour early, so the boat didn't get the wipe down I wanted to give it.