Juls WFA Blog
Fishing with "Papa Mike", Mike, and Michael...6/20/2024
by Capt Juls on 06/20/24At 2am, it felt like I was stepping into a sauna, when I hit the back deck with the dogs, and a coffee in hand. The wind apps were showing light and variable winds, so I thought the lake would be smooth enough to launch out of Mazurik's and head out towards the Weather Buoy, and not take forever to get there.
Fishing with Gary, Denny, and Gina...6/18/24
by Capt Juls on 06/18/24The family went back to Wisconsin on Monday, so I had my normal morning routine, of taking the dogs out on the back deck with my cup of coffee, and my phone. I check the weather and wind apps for the morning's forecasts, and figure out my game plan for the day's trip, while the dogs eat their morning treat, and carry stuffed animals around, to show each other.
Fishing with Vito...6/17/2024
by Capt Juls on 06/17/24I was off over the weekend, while family was here, so I was back to work this morning. The morning routine was disrupted, due to sleeping siblings, and me trying to keep two rambunctious dogs quiet, before I had to leave.
Fishing with Vito...6/17/2024
by Capt Juls on 06/17/24I was off over the weekend, while family was here, so I was back to work this morning. The morning routine was disrupted, due to sleeping siblings, and me trying to keep two rambunctious dogs quiet, before I had to leave.
Day 3 of 3 Fishing with Bob, Tom, and Dave....6/14/2024
by Capt Juls on 06/17/24Sorry, I forgot to post this trip's report, due to family staying with me over the weekend.
Day 1 of a 3 Day Trip with Bob, Tom, and Dave...6/12/2024
by Capt Juls on 06/12/24
Fishing with Dan and Mike...6/11/2024
by Capt Juls on 06/11/24The other night, when I was climbing in bed, I got a phone call from Dan. He and his Dad had just arrived in Port Clinton, and had never fished Lake Erie before. I gave him what information I had that might help them, and said, "Good night".
Fishing with Tom and Jason...6/4/2024
by Capt Juls on 06/04/24I picked Tom and Jason up at the White Caps Motel at 4:30am, and we headed through town, to stop at the Speedway, before heading over to Huron, for the morning. We launched at 5:20, and were out of the river by 5:30.
Fishing with Ed Moore, Joseph, and Mary...6/3/2024
by Capt Juls on 06/03/24Ed Moore, from MI, is one of my Facebook friends. He had been wanting to book a trip with me for years now. The opportunity arose, when his grandson, Joseph, and his granddaughter, Mary, came home from college for vacation. Joseph came all the way from Idaho, and Mary came all the way from Texas...and, that made Grandpa very happy.
Fishing Two Days with Harold and Jim Nelson...5/31 & 6/1/2024
by Capt Juls on 06/01/24Harold, and his son, Jim, drove over from Iowa to fish with me, again. They had a good time last year, and I did, too. This past two days were even more fun than last year, even though the fish didn't cooperate as well as they did last year, on this same weekend.
Fishing with Steve, Jeremy, and Luke...5/24/2024
by Capt Juls on 05/24/24

Fishing with Cisco, Ted, and Lonny... 5/20/2024
by Capt Juls on 05/20/24Alfie woke me up at 1:30 this morning. I had already had 6 1/2 hours of sleep, so we got up to spend some quality "alone time" out on the back deck, before I had to get ready to head out.
Day 3 of 3 with Jason, Cindy, and John... 5/19/2024
by Capt Juls on 05/19/24This is a short report....need to clean the boat for the new crew tomorrow, and go exercise my very patient dog. :)
Fishing Day 2 of 3 with Jason, Cindy, and John.... 5/19/2024
by Capt Juls on 05/19/24

Fishing Day 1 of 3 with Jason, Cindy, and John....5/17/2024
by Capt Juls on 05/17/24

Fishing with Dave and Danielle....5/8/2024
by Capt Juls on 05/08/24I forgot to set the alarm last night, but thankfully, I woke up at 3:15. I only lost 15 minutes of routine, so it wasn't too bad. By now, those of you who follow me, know my routine.
Fishing with Marc and Norm....5/5/2024
by Capt Juls on 05/05/24Got up at 2AM, and headed out to the back deck with Alfie, and a cup of coffee. The air was thick with moisture, due to a system that rolled through overnight, but the rain was done for the day. The wind forecast was looking fantastic, which meant the lake would be relatively flat, and we would be able to get from point A to point B, with ease. I was able to spend some quiet quality time with the pup, before heading out at 5:15.
Fishing with David and Dean....5/2/2024
by Capt Juls on 05/02/24Summary of a two-day fishing trip for two Iowans:
Fishing with Nancy, Glen Sr., and Glen Jr....4/30/2024
by Capt Juls on 05/01/24Quick report today…had a later launch, and there’s lots to do before bedtime.
Fishing with Frank and Ray....4/25/2024
by Capt Juls on 04/25/24Went to bed early last night, in anticipation of fishing this morning, but woke up an hour earlier, so I got up at 2AM, made some coffee, and took the critters out onto the back deck with me.