Juls WFA Blog
 Call Capt Juls: 419-835-7347
Juls Walleye Fishing Adventures
Lake Erie Walleye-Perch Fishing Charters-Running 7 days a week!
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Juls WFA Blog

Fishing with the Memmen Family 4/12/15

by Capt Juls on 04/12/15

I was supposed to meet my crew at Catawba State Park this morning at 9am, because they were driving in from the Cleveland area, but I got there early (8am) and found that the parking lot was already full. There was still a line of boats coming out of the parking lot when I drove up. Ugh!

I called Tom and his kids, and let them know they should meet me at the McDonald's, so they could follow me to another launch.  We hit Mazurik's at around 9am and were on the water a few minutes later.

I wanted to try the area around Mouse Island since I launced out of M's, because last year around this time we hammered the big spawned out females that were making their way east again. It didn't disappoint, and we had their three person limit within 3 hours.  I can't remember if it was Kate or Phil that caught the biggest fish of the day, but either way, it was a nice spawned out 30" female. 

The Lemon Lime Crush Perfect 10, run 30/30 behind a 1oz snap weight was the ticket this morning. We only had 4 boards out, even though there were 4 of us on board, because keeping it simple with novice trollers was more organized and was less likely to lose fish due to chaos. lol

However, speaking of losing fish.....I hate to have to admit this one, but I did lose a fish for them while netting it. It was at my furthest reach and its tail was out of the net just enough to use the rim as leverage while it flipped and flopped on the surface. On about the 5th or 6th flop, I thought I had it in the net well enough to lift it, but I was wrong. It did one last ditch effort to free itself, and this time was successful.  I felt bad, but they didn't seem to care, and said to me, "that's fishing". I guess when you have 10 giant walleye in the well at the time it happens, it does take that sting away. lol

After we loaded out of the water, they followed me over to  Bay's Edge where I dropped off their fish for them...the scale said they had 90 pounds for their 12 fish. They said they had a great time fishing, and everyone was all smiles. I like that. :)

Anyway, it was a fun day, and if the weather allows, which I think it will...I'll be out again tomorrow trying the same area again with a Father and son crew.

Stay tuned...

Capt Juls

Fishing with the McGlothlin Brothers 4/11/15

by Capt Juls on 04/11/15

After picking up my crew, consisting of older brother Tim and younger brother Matt, (who I took perch fishing last year), we proceeded to Catawba State Park to launch. 

We hit the water at 7:45(ish) and headed over to the south side of South Bass Island. We started an easterly troll on the north side of the deep hole between the ferry dock and Starve Island. We marked a lot of fish, but only got one 8 pounder to bite.

We left there, and headed to the cans. We found some decent mixing water between F and E cans, and made a pass in a northeasterly direction. We picked up two fish there, and got a phone call from a friend working deeper water to the north. He told me to come up there, so we did. 

We didn't mark nearly as many fish, but we caught the remaining 5 up there. I wish I could tell you where, but since it wasn't "my spot", I don't feel it is fair to him if I were to. I hope you understand.

What I will say is, I started in 31 foot of water and didn't get a bite until we got back into 30 feet.

The Lemon-Lime Crush Perfect 10 run with a 1oz snap weight at 25/25 and 30/30 back caught the most fish today.  The Halloween DHJ12 50 and 85 back caught the rest.  We ran Reef Runners at 45-60 back, but didn't get a bite on any of them, (others on the radio seemed to be having success with them), so we took them off and put more Lemon-Lime P-10s out. :)

It was a slow bite for us today, but the fish were quality fish. Their 8 fish went 54 pounds at the cleaners, so it was close to a 7 pound average.  The biggest fish was the last fish of the trip...it was a nice spawned out 30" female. Tim said it was his personal best, so that's pretty cool. It's always fun when people catch their biggest walleye ever when they are fishing Lake Erie. 

We had a great time today, and laughed a lot. Tim and Matt are great guys and I really enjoy fishing with them.  They will be back in May for another scheduled trip, and I'm looking forward to it.

The weather today was cloudy in the morning, and sunny in the afternoon. Winds were light out of the WSW, and the water temperature was still only in the high 30's to very low 40's...depending on the water clarity.

Tomorrow's trip is only a short 4 hour trip, so hopefully the bite will be a little bit faster tomorrow.  I'm thinking of starting at E can and heading north from there. We shall see. ;)

Stay tuned...

Capt Juls

Well this week totally sucked....deep sigh

by Capt Juls on 04/09/15

My crew that was scheduled for this past Monday through today (Thursday) only got to fish on Monday. Tuesday was a blow day, and they decided to go home early and reschedule for the last two open days I had in April. So, at least they will be back for some more fun.

My crew that was scheduled for tomorrow got unlucky, because Mama Nature is being huffy and puffy. I contacted them tonight and gave them the bad news, and they have already rescheduled for another month. Unfortunately, there were no days left in April. :(


The good news is, that the winds are out of the west tomorrow, so it shouldn't muddy up the lake too much. The weekend forecast looks pretty good, so we will be on the water starting again Saturday.

Stay tuned....
Capt Juls

Fishing with Mark and Jim 4/6/15

by Capt Juls on 04/06/15

Today was the first official charter of my 2015 season, and it was successful.

The weather was not bad...a little damp, but not bad. The winds were light out of the SW, with cloudy skies and drizzle. 

We launched out of Catawba at 7:30 am, and headed out towards the area between Round Reef and G Can. The water looked a bit clean for my liking, and the Onix wasn't marking too many fish, so I decided to head up towards Locust Reef, where I heard there was a decent bite going on yesterday.

Once we got up there we set lines, and marked a few fish. The water was even cleaner than it was where we left though. That had me concerned, but we trolled on. We put one fish in the box in the first pass, so we decided to head back down towards F can where a couple friends were fishing, and telling me they were doing okay there.

Once we got down to F can there were more boats out....I'd say there was roughly 2 doz boats in the area between F and G cans this morning.  We set up just to the northwest of the can and trolled towards Mouse. We picked up the rest of their limit in that first pass. We were the furthest boat to the east of the pack, and picked up a nice fatty. She was only 29 1/4 inches, but she weighed a whopping 11 pounds! We only had one other fish that hit the 10 pound mark, and the rest were between 4 and 8 pounds. 

Mark and Jim are two Wisconsinites that were a real pleasure to have in the boat today. They both have a ton of fishing experience under their belts from fishing for Salmon on Lake Michigan... and, Walleye on Winnebago & Green Bay. I didn't have to do any "training" with the Off Shore boards, so it was like fishing with old friends who came down for the day to go fishing with me.

The program for today was:

Perfect 10's 30/30 with a 1oz....color that worked best was the "Tablerock Gold"...blue/chrome also caught fish at the same distance back.

Deep Husky Jerks...45, 50, 85, and 125 back all caught fish too. Pink Lemonade and Halloween produced a couple of fish each.

Speed was 1.1 to 1.3mph

Water temp at F Can today was 38.7 degrees.

They are down here to fish with me for 4 days, but it looks like tomorrow's forecast will probably keep us off the lake. A prediction of Northeast winds at 20-30mph would not be fun...and probably dangerous.

So, we are keeping our fingers crossed that we can get out Wednesday morning. 

Stay tuned!
Capt Juls

First Fishing Report of 2015...:)

by Capt Juls on 04/03/15

Well, even though my 3 day charter for today through Sunday was rescheduled earlier this week for the third week in April, the forecast for today changed enough from then, until now, to make it out on the water for the first trip of the season.

It was a "fun fishing" trip with Capt Kevin Swartz, who I work with during the season. 

It was also a trip to make sure everything on the new Ranger was working properly. I am happy to say it is. :)

Anyway, today was fun. The fishing was pretty good. We had a two man limit of nice walleye within 3 hours. The biggest two were a 29 incher and a 30 inch fish. The rest were a mix from 23-27 inches...nice eaters. 

We were pulling Smithwick Perfect 10's with a 1oz snap weight at "20/20" and "30/30" in 27' of water near the firing range. Colors that caught fish were the blue/chrome, Tablerock Gold, Juice, and Lemon-Lime Crush. We also caught two eyes on a Pink Lemonade DHJ12 at 125 back. Speed was 1.3mph.

When I got home there was a nice surprise waiting for me... the new Ulterra was sitting on my front porch. It finally came! Woot! Woot! lol 
I installed it on the boat, and it turns on, but I didn't want to deploy it until it was in the water, since I don't know what the up/down setting is, and I didn't want to damage anything, if it were to hit the winch on the trailer. Better safe than sorry, eh?

I've got the next two days off, and then I'll be fishing straight through from the 6th to the 28th...unless the weather dictates otherwise.

Pics from today are on page 12 of my photo album, if you care to take a look. 

So, the next trip out will be Monday. As of right now, the weather forecast looks like it will be a fishable day, so stay tuned.....

Capt Juls

Satellite Picture for March 29th...New start date...

by Capt Juls on 03/29/15

March 29th Satellite Pic....http://coastwatch.glerl.noaa.gov/modis/modis.php?region=e&page=1&template=sub&image=t1.15088.1537.LakeErie.143.250m.jpg

My first group, that was scheduled to fish the 3rd, 4th, and 5th have rescheduled to the third week in April, so I don't have to worry about the ice this weekend. 
They were coming from South Dakota, and I didn't want them to come that far and be disappointed with the less than favorable conditions. 
I chose to err on the side of caution and let this ice have a few more days to get out of here, before I officially start my season.
Now, my first trip is scheduled for next Monday (6th-9th). Let's hope Mother Nature gets in a better mood...soon!

Stay tuned....
Capt Juls

Bitter Sweet Weekend....deep sigh

by Capt Juls on 03/20/15

This is my last weekend working at the local Humane Society here in Port Clinton. I enjoyed the last 4 months there, helping to care for the abandoned and stray dogs and cats, and finding homes for many of them.

I will miss my four legged friends, A LOT, but it's time to start thinking about fishing!

The new Ranger 621, with her beautiful white ETECs on the back, is just about loaded with all the gear. I just need to put the nets and rods in the boat, and fill her up with her first tank of gas.

The ice is slowly  breaking up and moving out, and hopefully, it will be gone in time for the first weekend in April. My fingers are crossed, because  my first two trips are with some fellas from South Dakota. I will let them know next weekend what the prognosis is, and whether or not they should make the trek out here. If it's safe to go, we'll fish. And, I'm hoping that's the case. But, we'll see. I'm not foolish, and won't take unnecessary chances with the water temps as cold as they are.

I posted a couple of pictures of the new rig in the photo album on this site..."Pics Pg12"....if you want to take a peek at her. :)

I just wanted to say, "Thank you" again to everyone that booked trips early this season. I am happy to say that April and May are full!
It's going to be a very busy fishing season this year...woot! woot! 
There are still plenty of dates open for the rest of the season though! Don't wait too long to plan your adventure on Lake Erie this summer, or you'll miss out on some fun! :)

At the time of this writing there are only 13 more days until the first scheduled trip, so stay tuned!

Capt Juls

5 More Days!!

by Capt Juls on 02/27/15

I'll be going over to Vic's Sports Center to pick up the new Ranger on Wednesday. 

So, in preparation I have plugged in the Excursion (both the heater block and the battery charger) to make sure she fires up this weekend. 

We have a snowstorm coming this Sunday, but I haven't heard how many inches they are calling for yet. This winter has got to end soon, and the ice needs to go out on Lake Erie, so I can get the new boat out on the water. I'm going through a little cabin fever here. The dogs are too. They haven't been able to do their regular walk for quite some time now, due to the road we walk being covered in snow and ice.  They don't last out there more than 5 minutes before they are picking up their feet from the cold....poor dogs.

Last year was a cold one too, and the ice was gone by the last weekend in March, so my fingers are crossed that we will experience the same this year. Hopefully, that will mean another good walleye hatch for 2015. The 2014 hatch is reported to be similar to the 2007 and 2010 hatches, which were better than normal. The 2003 walleye are all monster fish now, and there are still plenty of them in the system.  Will this be the year I get to crack the 13# mark?  I have not been able to get over 12.9 pounds yet....sigh.

I'll post pictures of the new boat in the photo album as soon as possible! One of the service guys sent me a pic text of it, so I got a peek at it. She sure is pretty! :)

Stay tuned...

Capt Juls

My Boat, Bookings, and Spring...:)

by Capt Juls on 02/11/15

Getting closer! My boat is now at Vic's Sports Center, and needs some more rigging before I can go and get her. But, with another deep freeze coming for the next few days, and 90% ice cover on Lake Erie, I'm in no hurry to bring her home yet...she's in a safe place right now, and in very good hands. She is going to be rigged out with the latest and greatest from Minn-Kota, Humminbird, Ranger Boats. I do not have the latest and greatest G2 Evinrude this year, because I didn't think I could get one in time for my boat build,  but I will have the tried and true Classic 300 ETEC on it. I love that motor. :)

May has only 4 days left open for the entire month, so thank you to everyone who has booked early!  There are still days available in April for targeting those giant walleye. And, June and July are starting to get reservations too. Please don't wait to reserve your dates, because I would hate to tell you that I no longer have the date(s) available you need for your fun vacation. :(

Spring is only 38 days away! Woot! Woot!  It won't be long now.

Stay tuned...

Capt Juls

The Season is Getting Closer!

by Capt Juls on 01/20/15

The new Ranger 621 FS goes into production this Thursday(1/22)...I can hardly wait! It only means it won't be long until my "Baby" is in my driveway again! Looking forward to a great season. Fingers are crossed that Mama Nature is as kind to us as she was last year. :)
A big Thank you to my sponsors, for taking such good care of me....Ranger Boats, Evinrude, Minn Kota, Humminbird, Off Shore Tackle, EZeeSteps, and, my wonderful dealer...Vic's Sports Center! :)
Looking forward to blogging again....I've been working at the local animal shelter this winter, so there really isn't any fishing going on on my end, so there's nothing to report. Sorry!
Spring is only 60 days, 8 hours, and 54 minutes away! lol

Happy New Year Everyone!

by Capt Juls on 12/31/14

I would just like to take a moment to say, I hope everyone has a great New Year's Eve, and experiences much love and success in 2015!

Now, that we are headed into January, we can start looking forward to the spring fishing we all love to experience each year on Lake Erie's Western Basin. Woot! Woot!

I'm looking forward to fishing with everyone that has reserved their dates already...thanks for reserving early. 

Be safe tonight, everyone! See you "next year"! ;)

Capt Juls

Thank you for Reserving Early...:)

by Capt Juls on 12/02/14

Thanks to those of you who have already reserved your dates for the spring trophy walleye fishing here on Lake Erie's Western Basin with Juls Walleye Fishing Adventures. 
Just a heads up for those that have been thinking about it, but haven't yet, and want to get in on the action, please reserve early, as the spring dates are prime fishing around here, and I would hate to see you miss out on a fun trip! 
Full payment up front is not required....a 100.00 deposit holds your date(s). :)

Capt Juls

Happy Thanksgiving!

by Capt Juls on 11/26/14

Thinking back over this past season, I have a lot to be thankful for this year. I was fortunate to fish with some great people, and made new friends. 

Mother Nature was kind, and let me get all but a couple scheduled trips in. A few had to be rescheduled, but only two were unable to change dates and couldn't go fishing with me this year. Hopefully, I'll get to fish with them next season.

My wish is for everyone to have a peaceful, healthy, safe, and a Happy Thanksgiving!
May you eat too much, drink just enough, and fall into blissful sleep when it's all over.... :)

Gobble! Gobble!

Capt Juls

Good News for my Customers for 2015...

by Capt Juls on 11/13/14

I bought a portable john for the boat, so you will have a comfortable option when the time calls. Men can still use the urinal, but if nature calls and you need to use a "bathroom" the portable suits that need too. :)

Just trying to make your adventure more pleasurable. lol

Capt Juls

Looking for that Special Christmas Gift? Gift Certificates are now available!

by Capt Juls on 11/10/14

Just a heads up...

I've just added Gift Certificates to the site for those of you looking to get that unique and special gift for your favorite fishing buddy this Christmas. 

Don't want to pay for their whole trip? Get a certificate of your choice to help defray the cost of their "adventure". 

**Increments are set up anywhere from 100.00 to 600.00 to give you that option. You'll find the Gift Certificates on the Rates page under the drop down menu on the "Deposits and Gift Certificates" button. 
They go through PayPal, so I do not see any CC information on my end. It's safe and secure to use PayPal, and you do not need a PayPal account to use this service.
When a gift certificate is ordered, I will email you promptly to get the mailing address you want it sent to. It can be sent directly to you, or to your intended gift recipient.

The 2015 season is only a little over 4 months away, so be sure to reserve your adventure as soon as possible. Don't miss out on the fantastic spring trophy walleye fishing Lake Erie's Western Basin is famous for! 

My new 2015 Ranger 621FS with 300 ETEC, equipped with all the latest and greatest from Minn-Kota and Humminbird, has been ordered, and will be here in time to start fishing in late March or the first of April...(depending on ice conditions). 

2014 was a fantastic fishing season, and we had a lot of fun in the boat. I am looking forward to another great season with all of my previous customers and new customers alike. Woot! Woot!

Thanks, and have a great day! :)

Capt Juls

The New 2015 Ranger 621/300 ETEC has been ordered!

by Capt Juls on 10/21/14

Just a note to let everyone know the new Ranger for the 2015 season is on order now and will be ready for the spring walleye trips!

I was at Vic's Sports Center yesterday to order the new ETEC's that are going on it, and I got to crawl around the newly designed Ranger 621. All I can say is, "Holy fishing machines Batman!" That thing is simply awesome!! 

Besides all the new features it has, it just feels huge compared to the older models I've had over the years. I was very impressed with the new look of it.
I think all my customers will really enjoy the new ride as much as I do!

I am taking reservations for your next adventure, so don't miss out on scheduling your trips, and get the dates you want set as soon as possible. :)

Stay tuned...

Capt Juls

2014 Charter Fishing Season is in the books....sigh

by Capt Juls on 10/01/14

Well, my 2014 charter season is over for the year. Boy! time sure flies when you're having fun! 
My beautiful boat is going home with her new owner this coming Friday, and I am in the process of ordering the new one for next year.
I would like to thank each and every customer I took out this season for the enjoyable times and the wonderful memories created. I appreciate each and every one of you, and I look forward to fishing with you all again in the 2015 season!
I would also like to thank all my sponsors for helping me make "living the dream" possible...Ranger Boats, Evinrude, Minn Kota, Humminbird, Off Shore Tackle Company, Vic's Sports Center, EZEE Steps , Jimz Rod Mounts, World Wide Marine Ins., and The Jewelry Mechanic. 
I love you all!!

Capt Juls

Perch'n with Doug, Bob, and John 9/29/14

by Capt Juls on 09/30/14

The morning started out like a fiasco...let me explain.

During my morning routine of putting the day's needed things in the boat, one of the first things I do is check the on board charger to make sure it's fully charged. When I open the compartment lid it should be glowing green, but this morning the compartment was dark. Oh nooooo! I checked the plug and it was plugged in the boat...that meant it was disconnected in the shed. I had cut the grass last night after a trip, and when I plugged in the leaf blower I must have knocked the extension cord loose, which is exactly what happened. Ugh!!

I was supposed to pick up my crew from their hotel at 6am, so I texted them to tell them what happened and that I would be a half hour late. I wanted to make sure the starting battery was at 100% before heading out, since we were planning on going to Canada for perch today. Luckily, it didn't take long for the starting battery to fully charge, but the trolling motor batteries were only at 50%. That meant we would be using the old fashioned anchor today instead of the Terrova's "Spot Lock" to hold us. Not a big deal.....just breathe. 

I'm fishing with Doug Woehrmyer, his dad Bob, and his Uncle, John. John still needed to get a Canadian fishing license, so while I was waiting for the charger to do it's thing they said they would go over to the "Fisherman's Wharf" to get it, since the Quality Inn has crappy internet service and they couldn't do it online there, and the Wharf said they opened at 6am.  Well, I left the house at 6:15 and got a call from Doug stating they were still waiting for the Wharf to open. I drove over to the Wharf to meet them, and said I would take John back to my house to use my computer/printer to get it done.

Here's the deal....John has only bought a one day Canadian lic. once before, and when you buy a one day lic you do not need an Outdoors Card. The online lic wouldn't let him finish the transaction, because it kept saying that he must supply his "number". ????  Well, it turns out that when he bought that one day license three years ago, there was a number attached to it (at the top) that becomes "your" number for life. It was asking for that number. No where on their website do they explain that you  need to keep that lic for future transactions....sigh. So, back to the Wharf we go, hoping they can get his Can lic taken care of. They did. Mark was able to figure it out and was able to issue him a day's license. Thanks Mark!

Ok, deep breath...just breathe......lol

Doug kept apologizing for the delay, but I just said, "It is what it is...it's going to be a beautiful day, and it's all good now...let's go catch some perch". :)

After topping off the boat's gas tank, we launched at Mazurik's at 7:30am. We set a course for a spot over in Canada, near the dumping grounds, and set the anchor.  The first 6 fish were catfish. Nooooooooo.....these are supposed to be big perch from the report I received the night before, so I said, "let's move a little and try again"....we did.  The second spot would be our spot for the day, because after a few more cats the yellows showed up.

It wasn't a fast bite, but the quality was amazing. We would catch 112 perch that went 63 pounds at the cleaners. Woot! Woot!

It was a beautiful day, and the lake was dead calm. The company was exceptional, and the fishing was awesome. I couldn't have asked for a better trip. The guys had a great time and will be back in the spring for some fun walleye fishing. I can't ask for more than that. :)

Capt Juls

Perch'n with Don and Bob Rupp 9/27/14

by Capt Juls on 09/27/14

I have to keep this short tonight, because I got home late this afternoon, cleaned the boat, and I still have to exercise the very patient dogs before hitting the hay.

We caught 88 perch today on the NE corner of Gull. A nice grade of fish. Average amount of whites and sheep mixed in too. No cats today. Weather was perfect, other than an ENE wind (I like south winds), but it was comfortable, sunny, and fun!

Tomorrow is another 8 hour trip with these two gentlemen, but we'll be going out of Huron in search of the elusive walleye. Fingers crossed!!!

Stay tuned...

Capt Juls

Perch'n with Joe and Doug 9/25/14

by Capt Juls on 09/25/14

Well, it was supposed to be a walleye trip, but when Joe and Doug read my blog from yesterday's trip, and found that I was not expecting good results for a walleye trip today, they called and asked if they could also try for some perch if the walleye weren't going to cooperate...of course I said, "Yes!". 

I picked them up at their hotel at 6am, but instead of driving all the way to Huron this morning, I decided a better perch bite would be north of Kellys, so we planned on launching out of Mazurik's instead. But, it was still dark out, so we had to waste some time, time that I would have used driving to Huron...instead we hit Big Bopper's for some breakfast. Yum!

We launched as soon as it was light enough to see, and headed to an area north of Kelly's. There were a bunch of boats there today between Gull Island Shoal and Kelly Island Shoal. The bite started out slow, but once the first yellow perch was brought up, my confidence in the spot grew. It only got better and better as the day went on. By late morning we had their two limits in the boat with large perch from 8-13 inches, and then we fished for mine. 

We had such a great time today. These guys were really down to earth and just all around great guys. Even though they are grown men, I couldn't help but think that their parents must be some pretty cool people to have raised these two fine young men. They had me laughing all day long, but I will not share what was said, because we all agreed early on that "Whatever's said in the boat today...stays in the boat".  I have to respect that... lol :)

Tomorrow's trip is just a short 4 hour trip starting at noon, so I'll be getting home later than normal.  I'll try to get the blog done before bedtime, but I can't promise. Saturday and Sunday are two 8 hour trips and I'll need to get the boat cleaned up first.

Stay tuned...

Capt Juls