Juls WFA Blog
Fishing 6/26/14 with Cliff and Jeff Mattson, Mike Sr., & Mike Jr...:)
by Capt Juls on 06/26/14First, let me say, "What an AWESOME day"!
To Answer a Question that was submitted tonight....Perch fishing...
by Capt Juls on 06/25/14
Wednesday's Trip has been rescheduled now too...
by Capt Juls on 06/24/14I was supposed to have a short 4 hour trip tomorrow (Wednesday 6/23) with a father and young son, but after today's thunderstorms, and a chance for more storms tomorrow, he contacted me and asked if they could reschedule.
Day Two with Denny, Dave, and Blake 6/23/14
by Capt Juls on 06/23/14It was another nice morning to go fishing today. The winds were light and variable at 6am when we launched from Catawba, and the waves were calm. We headed up to the west side of Middle Bass, where I had been having success with other charters this past week, but I didn't want to fish there yesterday, with all the Put-in-Bay pleasure boat traffic happening.
Day one of a Two Day Charter with Denny, Dave, and Blake 6/22/14
by Capt Juls on 06/22/14Woke up to a nice morning...no wind, and pleasant temperatures. I picked Denny, Dave, and Dave's son, Blake, up at their hotel this morning, and we headed to Hi Way Bait for some ice, and then on to Big Boppers for some breakfast.
What a Fantastic Day on Lake Erie Today!
by Capt Juls on 06/21/14As a moderator on Walleye Central, it's always a pleasure when I get to meet one of the members, but even more fun when I get to fish with one of them!
Fishing 6/18/14 Day 3 with Kevin, Erich, and Skipper...:)
by Capt Juls on 06/18/14With predicted storms this morning, my crew opted for a 7am pick up, rather than 6am, so as I waited in the parking lot of the condos where they were staying, while they packed their truck with their belongings.
Fishing 6/17/14 Day 2 with Kevin, Erich, and Skip
by Capt Juls on 06/17/14What a beautiful day it was today! It was a lot nicer on the water than it was on land, that's for sure!
Fishing 6/16/14 with Kevin, Erich, and Skip...(3 day charter)
by Capt Juls on 06/16/14Yesterday I fun fished with a friend and we just goofed off for a few hours...I napped on the bow, and when we got off the water we grilled out, so no report from yesterday...(well, I guess this sort of was...lol) Sorry!
Fishing 6/14/14 with Jessie and Dan Neideffer
by Capt Juls on 06/14/14Last night the wind forecast for this morning was for 15+ out of the NW, but would be diminishing as the morning went on. I called my crew and told them to sleep in a little bit, and that I would pick them up at 7am and we would go to breakfast first, so the lake had a little time to lay down. They were agreeable to that.
Sorry for the late blog...
by Capt Juls on 06/11/14Went perch'n with Frank Smith and his wife Janie on Monday, but I had so much to do that afternoon, that I didn't get to my blog when I got home, like I should have. Then, yesterday, for some reason, I was so exhausted that I didn't do very much at all, (energy was just drained from my body) and was in bed by 5:30pm.
Going Perch'n Today...
by Capt Juls on 06/09/14Yesterday's walleye trip was rescheduled by my customers, due to the rain that came through. They didn't want to sit in the rain, and I can't blame them. It was a soaker.
Fishing with Grady, Meghan and Thelma 6/7/14
by Capt Juls on 06/07/14I didn't have a trip scheduled last night (Friday) when I was invited out to dinner, so I ordered a margarita, and planned to have another, but then I got a text...maybe next time...sigh.
6/6/14 Report...Fishing with Kevin and Jeff
by Capt Juls on 06/06/14I met up with Kevin Bolish and his friend, Jeff, at Mazurik's at 5:45am this morning and we launched just before 6am.
Fishing on my Birthday...:)
by Capt Juls on 06/05/14Today did not go as planned, but it turned out to be a fantastic day in the end.
Kelly was first up, and after talking her through the process of moving back between the seats and putting the rod tip over my shoulder, so I could remove the board, and then where to stand when reeling in the fish, so I could net it, she landed a nice eater sized walleye.
6/4/14 Fishing Report
by Capt Juls on 06/04/14Started the morning out of Mazurik's with Buz Trusso from San Diego at 6am.
Fishing 6/2/14 with the Lutz Family
by Capt Juls on 06/02/14Duane, his Son, Tanner, and his Father in Law Dell arrived at my house this morning at 5:15...right on time, and after maneuvering his boat to the dedicated location they piled in my truck; we were off.
The Birthday Boy and his Sons got Their Limits Today...:)
by Capt Juls on 05/31/14Jim Bracken's wife had bought a gift certificate for a 6 hour charter way back in March, and the first date he had picked was nasty weather, so he rescheduled for today, and the weather couldn't have been more beautiful. Well, it could have been a better wind direction, but it didn't seem to bother the fish much today. they were hungry!!
Fishing 5/30/14 with Bob and Rob Merrill and Dave...:)
by Capt Juls on 05/30/14Bob Merrill and his son, Rob, and his friend, Dave came down to do two days of trolling with me. Yesterday was a little rough and we decided it was best to just wait until better conditions today, to go fishing.
Fishing with the Meek Boys 5/27/14
by Capt Juls on 05/27/14Took Brad Meek and his two boys Shane and Christian out fishing for a few hours this afternoon.
We hit the dock and the wind kicked up to 25+ and the lake turned to white caps in an instant. Whew! That was great timing!
Got the boat home and under the carport when the first rain drops began to fall... and, fall they did. It was another deluge of a downpour, but it didn't last long and the sun is out, shining again.
It was a fun afternoon, and I'm happy to say that the boys caught their first walleye with me, and had a lot of fun learning how we troll.