Juls WFA Blog
NEW FOR 2014...
by Capt Juls on 01/20/14I will be offering charters SEVEN DAYS A WEEK this season! No more limitations and having to work around another work schedule. Yay!
Cleveland Boat Show and Outdoors Show Jan. 16th-20th at the IX Center
by Capt Juls on 01/15/14
A BIG Thank You to Those Booking Trips Early!
by Capt Juls on 01/08/14Spring is only a few months away, and the prime walleye fishing in the Western Basin of Lake Erie will begin!
Taking Reservations for Your 2014 Walleye or Perch trips Now...
by Capt Juls on 12/08/13
- 100.00 Deposit Required to hold each chosen date. Balance Due at Beginning of your Charter
- Cancellation 30 Days in advance and you will receive a full refund of your deposit.
- Cancellation due to weather at Captain's discretion; Another date will be offered, or get a full refund of your deposit.
- Guests are obligated to pay for all days reserved regardless of weather and fishing conditions unless the trip is cancelled by your Captain. (Loss of Deposit Only)
The 2014 Ranger has been ordered...:)
by Capt Juls on 12/08/13This years ride is the 2014 Ranger 620 powered by a 250 ETEC HO. I'll have pictures when she is built, but that won't be until after the 1st of the year.
Something to be thankful for...:)
by Capt Juls on 11/25/13Well, it's official. I will have a new boat to use for the 2014 fishing season. The new ride is a 2014 Ranger 620 powered by an Evinrude 250 ETEC, and will have all the usual bells and whistles to make the fishing experience most enjoyable!
A Big Thank You to my 2013 Customers!
by Capt Juls on 10/16/13
Well, yesterday was my last charter of the season. I would like to thank all my clients that made the 2013 charter season a fabulous one. Lots of great fun and memories were made and I couldn't have asked for better customers! For that I am grateful.
I am looking forward to the 2014 season, and hope it's just as successful.
Still Perch'n....
by Capt Juls on 10/01/13I spent the last two days fishing with Greg and Mark who are from Elkhart, IN. They came down to go perch fishing.
Tuesday Sept 27th Perch'n
by Capt Juls on 09/29/13The perch are still biting on the west side and Northwest side of the islands. However, reports of better bites are coming from the Northeast corner of Kelly Island Shoal.
Monday was a blow day...Tuesday was a fun Perch Trip!
by Capt Juls on 09/18/13My crew of the "3 D's", Denny, Dan, and Dave, came down from Wisconsin to spend a couple days fishing on Lake Erie. Monday I called a blow day due to strong north winds that formed waves 3-5 feet. My guys were understanding and didn't mind one bit staying on shore that day.
Tuesday-Thursday Sept 10, 11th, 12th
by Capt Juls on 09/15/13Perry Lake and his good friends Kim and Patsy came down from Wisconsin to fish for some perch and walleye for three days.
When the winds got a little stronger and I felt a need to get them to another spot that would be a little more protected, we moved in towards the NE side of Kellys where I spied a group of perch boats fishing. We set in to the south of the pack and picked up some more perch. It was time to go in now.
Okay...here we go....Last week....:)
by Capt Juls on 09/15/13It was a busy week last week. Let's start at the beginning.
Sorry I haven't blogged lately...
by Capt Juls on 09/03/13It was a crazy weekend starting last Wednesday night. I took a friend out fishing on Tuesday August 27th, after a morning thunderstorm, and we struggled on the walleye, so we went perch'n. We caught his limit, but I didn't need any for the freezer, so we stopped after his limit was caught. So, you can see there wasn't much to report. lol
Another Good Day at the Line
by Capt Juls on 08/21/13A four hour perch trip was changed to a 4 hour walleye trip with the men of the Pond family, since they said they wanted fish for a fish fry that night. I knew we could get some decent walleye for that in a pretty fast fashion and the boys would have fun. Dad, Rick, and his two sons, Jordan (19) and Chase (11) were my crew for the morning.
You see, the nets I use have a very large basket on them, and if the bottom of the basket isn't held with one hand while also holding the handle before it enters the water, it will drift back in the water making it impossible to capture the fish. The netting will float back with the current and get in front of the basket opening, blocking the fish from entering it. Or, it will catch an exposed hook on the wrong side of the net and the fish will be able to shake free.
When Jordan grabbed the net to help his Dad land a fish, I instructed him to hold the bottom of the net like I explained above. With an obstructed view I watched him unsuccessfully go after the biggest walleye of the morning. When I could finally see what was going on I realized he was never letting go of the net when it entered the water. The walleye just bounced off the taught netting when he tried to scoop it on the third attempt.
The fish won that fight and swam off. As I explained how the net works, his little brother was giving him the “what for” and we all laughed. I told him that fish would probably be a 10 pounder by the time I blogged about it. Ha! He was a good sport though, and took the ribbing in stride. :)
It was a great morning on the water with three great guys. I look forward to fishing with them again soon. I was told Grandpa would like to do some perch'n, so that will be coming up in the next few weeks, I think.
Capt Juls
Perfect Day on the Water…8/19/13
by Capt Juls on 08/19/13
It was a pretty typical morning. The alarm was set for 5am, but my dog, Dexter woke me at 4:30, because he smelled some earthly creature outside the bedroom windows.
With coffee brewing, I set about with my pre-charter activities. I check the internet for reports, look at the posts made by my Facebook “friends” through the night, and check the wind, weather, and marine forecasts for the day. Then, I drink my coffee, and watch a bit of news. I shower, get dressed, and play with the dogs until the sky lightens enough to take the cover off the boat. Then I load it with everything needed for a day of fishing. Food...check. Homemade brownies...check. License...check. Minn-Kota remote...check. Phone charger...check. Towels...check. Cooler...check....etc., etc., etc.
After getting gouged at the gas pump, filling my truck and boat, I headed to Hi-Way Bait and Tackle to pick up some crawlers and shiners. It was planned as a walleye fishing trip, but, feeling positive, I thought if we got our limit of ‘eyes early enough we might be able to get a bit-o-perch’n in too.
Today’s crew consisted of a previous customer, Billy
Kodosky, and his customers, Ray and Evan. We launched at 8am from Mazurik’s
Boat Access in
We didn't need them after all. The walleye were stacked up East of Middle Island on the line. All we had to do was figure out what they wanted.
Larry Lambert and Keith “Pooh Bear” Unkefer both had given me the same area to try, so if those two walleye catching phenoms say to go there……you’d be a fool not to go!
As usual their advice was spot on. We ran Larry’s custom made double willow leaf harnesses behind #3 Tadpoles and 3oz inline weights 67-85 back, with a speed of 1.7mph. We had fish on turns, but the first time they were on the fast side and the second time they hit on the slow side, so I averaged it out and stayed at 1.7mph. J
18 fish went 66 pounds at the cleaners this afternoon. The fish size ranged from 15 inches to 29 inches.
My crew learned quickly and by mid-morning they were setting lines out all on their own. (Yes, of course, I was watching and nagging them the entire time...Ha!) They took turns reeling in fish, helped each other take off the Off Shore inline planer boards, and net the fish.
There wasn't a lot of junk fish, but there were some. There was one tiny little fish that thought it was a big fish. “I’m a BIG fish”, I could almost hear it saying. That little 2 ½ inch white perch had gone after a double willow leaf harness with a very long crawler on it. That bait must have had a profile of almost 18 inches long. What would possess that little fish to try and eat something that much bigger than it is? That little...er, "big fish" got a good round of laughs and we took pictures of Ray holding his “catch of the day” trophy.
While Evan might have reeled in the largest walleye today, it was Billy that caught the biggest fish. A very large and overly fed catfish came up from 37 feet to pay us a short visit. That kitty cat was every bit of 18 pounds, if not more, in my opinion.
Just a little after Noon we had a three man limit in the boat. The 120 quart cooler was filled to the top with walleye (over a nice layer of ice, of course). I suggested we go perch fishing, because it’s usually fun. They agreed, and with time expiring, we stopped in a couple of places to check for a perch bite. We caught a few sheephead , white perch, and a couple more little catfish, but no perch. With their time running out, we headed in to get their fish to the cleaners.
The lake was beautiful, for a change. The temptation to run wide open throttle was there, and the Ranger’s capabilities were there, but the cheapskate in me just couldn't bring myself to burn that kind of gas. I opted for a cruising speed and turned the radio up for “effect”. After a fun day of fishing it was definitely the right thing to do. Everyone was relaxed and in a good mood by the time we hit the dock at 2pm.
It was a great day on the water with three great guys. I've had a lot of fun trips this season, but this one definitely is near the top of the list.
Time to hit the hay here; I have another trip to do in the morning... I’m pretty sure I know where I’m going. ;)
Captain Juls
Blowing today...
by Capt Juls on 08/13/13Today's charter was rescheduled for Sunday. She's huffing and puffing out there today. :)
Perch'n with the Fassler Boys Aug 12, 2013
by Capt Juls on 08/12/13Matt Fassler and his family are from the Cincinnati area and were on vacation; staying in the Maumee area for the week.
4 hour Perch Trip yesterday
by Capt Juls on 08/10/13Long story short...
Strangest thing happened 8/8/13
by Capt Juls on 08/10/13This was a first for me...
Unexpected Perch Trip Yesterday
by Capt Juls on 08/06/13I didn't have any charters lined up for yesterday (Monday), so after spending the morning cleaning the house, I packed the dogs up in the car to go to the store to find something for dinner.