Juls WFA Blog
Fishing with Brian and Greg 9/24/22
by Capt Juls on 09/25/22It's been a long wait since the last day of July, when I sold the Ranger, to move into the new Vexus DVX22, and it was time to get back to work.
Picked Up the New Vexus Today...9/16/2022
by Capt Juls on 09/16/22Well, today was the day. I picked up the new Vexus DVX22 from Fisherman's Central, here in Port Clinton. Tyler Holben had her all cleaned up and ready to go, when I arrived at 10am, this morning.
Just a Quick Update....Sorry for the long wait....:(
by Capt Juls on 08/30/22
Fishing with Doug and Emily 7/30/2022
by Capt Juls on 08/02/22Sorry, this entry is very late....reason being...I had to detail the boat, because it was being sold the next day, and there was a lot to do!
Fishing with Jason and Warren 7/28/2022
by Capt Juls on 07/28/22After a restless night, resulting in only 5 hours of sleep, I got up and made some coffee, to start my engine. Stepping out on my back deck, for the usual forecast information gathering session, I saw that the deck was wet. It had just rained, so I looked at the radar first, to see if it was going to rain on us this morning, but it was clear behind the system that had just gone through. It wouldn't be raining on us today.
Fishing Day 2 with Don and Jerry 7/27/2022
by Capt Juls on 07/27/22
Fishing with Don and Jerry 7/26/2022
by Capt Juls on 07/26/22Now that the sun is rising a little later, I've adjusted my alarm clock to go off at 2:40 instead of 2am, so I could get a little more sleep. Unfortunately, that only works if you can stay asleep. I woke up 7 minutes before the alarm went off, so I got slightly ripped off, thanks to the "Sand Man" playing his little jokes on me. Well played, SM....well played.
Fishing with Gus, Tim, and Rick 7/22/2022
by Capt Juls on 07/22/22This one, is going to be short and fast, because I had to cut two lawns this afternoon, when I got home, and I've run out of time....it's time to go to bed. lol
Fishing with Dave and Tracy 7/20/2022
by Capt Juls on 07/20/22This was a morning I was looking forward to all season. I was finally going to get to do a perch trip. As you all know, I love perch fishing! :)
Hit "Publish Post" on an old post....to fix a typo...
by Capt Juls on 07/19/22My bad...by hitting publish post, it moved an old post up to the top of the list. Tracy and Dave perched fished with me last August. I was looking to see where we had gone, and saw a typo, so I fixed it and hit publish....not knowing it would move it up to the top of the list.
Fishing with Dennis, Dan, and Dominic 7/16/2022
by Capt Juls on 07/16/22I woke up before the alarm clock again, so I got up and took my coffee and animals outside to the back deck. The deck had been drizzled on, so I check the RadarScope app to see if there was rain in the area. It showed there was, and that it would be around until early to mid-morning. That did not make me happy...I had just cleaned the boat, yesterday....deep sigh.
Day 4 of 4 Fishing with Marc and Jim 7/15/2022
by Capt Juls on 07/15/22I wasn't sure where I wanted to go out of this morning. Originally, I wanted to go out of Mazurik's, for the last day of their trip, because it was close to home. But, it has been so long since I fished around the islands, that I didn't have a clue if there were any fish around them right now, so I opted to go with a sure thing over out of Huron, instead.
Day 3 of 4 with Marc and Jim 7/14/2022
by Capt Juls on 07/14/22I called, and gave my crew a wake-up call at 3:45am, like I promised. I wasn't leaving it up to the lazy front desk crew at the Best Western, to get them up. lol
Day 2 of 4 Fishing with Marc and Jim 7/13/2022
by Capt Juls on 07/13/22The morning started out much nicer than yesterday morning, since I had hot water again, and I could take a shower. I woke up a 1/2 hour before my alarm went off, so I just got up and got the coffee going. With a cup of coffee in hand, the dog, three cats, and I headed out to the back deck to take in the morning sounds, and check the weather apps. According to iWindSurf, the winds were going to be light out of the west for most of the morning.
Day 1 of 4 with Marc and Jim 7/12/2022
by Capt Juls on 07/12/22Oh, what a morning! I mean that in both the good way, and the bad way.
Fishing with John and Matt 7/8/2022
by Capt Juls on 07/08/22This morning, I had John Williams and his Son-in-Law Matt with me. Some of you might remember John from a previous trip this past May, when we had kind of a slow bite over by the cans, but he was able to get his two personal bests in one morning...the largest being a nice fat 29 incher.
For those of you checking in....I'm still here...:)
by Capt Juls on 07/07/22I've been off all week, due to a visit to Wisconsin to attend my Father's Memorial and my Mom and Sister's birthdays. :)
Fishing with Rob and Noel 6/30/2022
by Capt Juls on 06/30/22This morning, I had a birthday girl, Noel, and her boyfriend (fiancé?), Rob, out for a dipsey learning trip. Rob had bought the dipsies, but needed some instruction on how to properly run them, so he wouldn't tangle everything up on his own boat.
Fishing with Diane, Chad, and Jeff 6/26/2022
by Capt Juls on 06/26/22I woke up at 1:15 this morning, 45 minutes before my alarm was to go off, and laid there, wide awake, so I just got up and made some coffee. I was thinking about this two day trip I had for today and tomorrow, and knew that tomorrow was going to be a blow day with the forecasted gusty NW winds, so we had to get today's trip in, for sure.
Fishing with Derek, Keith, and Joe 6/25/2022
by Capt Juls on 06/25/22Derek had made reservations last October, but we couldn't get out, so I moved him to this season, and we were able to make it out this morning. Yay!