Juls WFA Blog
Fishing with Gunner, Austin, and Ryan 3/17/22
by Capt Juls on 03/17/22Well, I have to suck it up and report this trip, because it's not cool to only post the most successful trips that I get in the books.
Fishing with Steve and Jeremy 3/16/2022
by Capt Juls on 03/16/22Today, was the first official charter of the season, and it was with two of my regulars, Steve Chapman and his son Jeremy. Steve was my very first customer back in 2012, and has been fishing with me for several trips a season for the past 10 years now....(this is the start of my 11th season, guiding.) They feel more like family than just customers now, and we always have a great time, whether the fish cooperate, or not, on any given trip.
Fishing with Chris Utter and Jim Stedke 3/10/2022
by Capt Juls on 03/10/22This morning, was day two with my friend, Chris Utter, from Wisconsin. We were also joined by Jim Stedke, an old friend I met through Rick Lacourse 21 years ago.
Springtime Shakedown Run with Chris Utter
by Capt Juls on 03/09/22Well, this was the first morning back on the water since December, I think. Maybe it was early January, but either way, it's been a while since I fished out of my boat. She has been tucked away inside a nice warm building all winter, keeping her batteries charged up.
"When One Door Closes...Another One Opens"...:)
by Capt Juls on 02/03/22
Just a Quick Note....Available Dates for Spring...:)
by Capt Juls on 01/11/22

Fishing Report for December 10th, 2021
by Capt Juls on 12/10/21Just a quick update on the walleye fishing in December, here on Lake Erie's Western Basin...:)
Fishing with Pete 11/9/2021
by Capt Juls on 11/09/21Pete showed up at Mazurik's all alone, so it would just be him and me this morning.
Fishing with Rick and Kirk 11/8/2021
by Capt Juls on 11/08/21I was looking forward to walleye fishing this morning, so I was a little ancy, and left the house too early.....again.
Fishing with Marc and Grace 11/6/2021
by Capt Juls on 11/06/21This morning, I was meeting my crew at Mazurik's at 8:15, but as usual, I was up early and moving, so I left the house early to go and get the boat, gas it up, put ice in the perch cooler, and securing some Emeralds from Hi-Way Bait, before heading over to the ramp.
Fishing with Steve and Jeremy 11/5/2021
by Capt Juls on 11/05/21Steve and Jeremy drove in from Columbus this morning to take advantage of the nice weather that was forecast for today, and met me at the Huron boat ramp at 8:20. Capt Sam, who runs the "Porkchop Express Charters", dumped me in the water around 8am, before the crew showed up, so all they had to do was jump in the boat when they got there (Thanks, Sam!).
Fishing with Troy, Brad, and Taylor 10/24/2021
by Capt Juls on 10/24/21I was up early this morning, to check the weather, and make sure that the winds were still forecast to be light, and the rain wasn't coming in until this afternoon.
Fishing with Clayton, Todd, and Dale 10/19/2021
by Capt Juls on 10/19/21Clayton, Todd, and Dale, who drove in from Bismark, ND this past weekend, had a perch trip scheduled with me this past Sunday, but once again Mother Nature decided to be kind of bitchy and blew, so we rescheduled for today. They have their own boat here, a nice Lund, so they were able to fish some quieter waters as they scouted around the area.
Fishing with Bob and Bruce 10/7-8-9/2021
by Capt Juls on 10/11/21I had a three day perch trip with brothers Bob and Bruce from Michigan. They've been perch fishing with me every fall, for the past 5 or 6 years now, and always book 4 days, hoping to get all their days in. Normally, we've been able to get them all in, but this year the wind kept us off the lake for the first two days they had booked. Luckily, I had the day after their trip scheduled as a day off, so we used that one to get a third day in, so losing only one day wasn't so bad. :)
Fishing with Dean, Scott, and Randy 10/4/2021
by Capt Juls on 10/05/21Sorry...this is going to be a short report, because I didn't have time yesterday to get it done, and I'm short on time this morning. :)
Fishing with Josh, Mark, and Doug 10/2/2021
by Capt Juls on 10/02/21This morning, I had Josh, Mark, and Doug, who live in the area. Josh's wife, bought him a gift certificate for Father's Day, because he has been a long time reader of my blog, and always wanted to fish with me, so he could learn a few things. We had to reschedule a couple of times in September, due to wind, but today we finally got out.
Fishing with Tom and Liz 10/1/2021
by Capt Juls on 10/01/21Well, hello strangers! It's been a while. The month of September was a disaster with all the wind we had, not to mention a monsoon that hit us last week. Ugh...but, today was a better day!
Fishing with Jeff and Darren 9/15/2021
by Capt Juls on 09/15/21Well, hello there! Seems like forever since I last wrote a report, but it's only been two weeks...lol
Fishing Two Days with Jack, Jake, and Braden 8/28-29/2021
by Capt Juls on 08/29/21I didn't do a report yesterday, because it was so dismal on our perch attempt, that there wasn't anything to report, but a whopping 6 perch in the cooler. lol
Fishing with Mike and Billy 8/27/2021
by Capt Juls on 08/27/21I was off for a couple of days...one due to weather and the other, due to a scheduled day off, so it was time to go back to work this morning. :)