Juls WFA Blog
Fishing with Jeff, Jeffrey, and Christian 8/23/2016
by Capt Juls on 08/23/21
Fishing with Dave and Tracy 8/17/2021
by Capt Juls on 08/17/21
Fishing with Casey and Ryan 8/13/2021
by Capt Juls on 08/13/21I didn't do a report on my August 4th trip, because I was heading to Wisconsin to visit family early the next morning, and I don't like to announce on social media that I will not be home for a week....know what I mean? And, there was a lot of stuff to do before I left, like cleaning the house, cutting grass, and packing the car.
Fishing with Kevin and Rich 8/3/2021
by Capt Juls on 08/03/21Today was day two of two for my crew from Iowa. Yesterday, Kevin and Rich were quick learners on setting the dipsies, but the fish were less enthusiastic on biting. We did a later launch out of Vermilion, and found fish, but they were tight to the bottom most of the day, so we only manage a two-man limit, instead of the three we were allowed.
Fishing with TJ and Daphne 7/31/2021
by Capt Juls on 07/31/21Sunrise was at 6:31 this morning, so I had my crew meet me at Mazurik's a little before 6am, so we could be launched by 6am. The half hour before the actual sunrise is great for driving on the lake. It's light enough to see everything, but there's no big fiery ball in the sky yet, to blind you when you're headed ENE. :)
Fishing with Mark and Jim 7/27/2021
by Capt Juls on 07/27/21The forecast was calling for a nice day. Winds, low to start, then picking up to 10mph with gusts up to 15 out of the WSW...and, sunshine. I left the house at 5am, and swung by the Best Western, to pick up Mark and Jim, who hail from my home state of Wisconsin. They have fished with me once or twice a year for the past 10 years. In fact, Mark was one of the first customers I guided, when I started this lifestyle back in 2012. They are here for the next four days. :)
Fishing with Larry, Rudy, and Neil 7/25/2021
by Capt Juls on 07/26/21Larry Carlson, his son-in-law, and grandson, Rudy, fished with me back in early May for walleye. Rudy is the 9-year-old boy who loves to fish. Anyway, Today it was Larry, Rudy, and Larry's son (and, Rudy's Uncle), Neil, for a perch trip.
Fishing with Larry, Rudy, and Neil 7/25/2021
by Capt Juls on 07/25/21Larry Carlson, his son-in-law, and grandson, Rudy, fished with me back in early May for walleye. Rudy is the 9-year-old boy who loves to fish. Anyway, Today it was Larry, Rudy, and Larry's son (and, Rudy's Uncle), Neil, for a perch trip.
Fishing with Ronald, Bill, and Orlando 7/24/2021
by Capt Juls on 07/24/21Ronald Long has been trying to fish with me since last October, but every time his date came up, good old Mother Nature would intervene and say, "Nay-Nay", while pointing her finger in the air, and moving it back and forth. "Not today. I'm in a bad mood". So, I think, this is his 4th attempt since last fall.
Fishing with Mark, Cindy, and Kiera 7/14/2021
by Capt Juls on 07/14/21I got up at 2:30 and did the usual routine of making coffee, cleaning the cat box, getting the royals their canned food, and grabbing a couple treats for Dexter, before hitting the back deck to check the weather for the morning. Today's forecast, was calling for a decent wind from the west for the early morning hours, and then diminishing as the morning progressed, and picking back up in the afternoon. So, I texted my crew and told them to meet me at Mazurik's at 6:45 instead of 5:30. We would do a later start. Well, the forecasters got it wrong....deep sigh...again. It was pretty calm when I looked out over the water from the get ready lane at Mazurik's. There was just a small ripple, due to a light SSW wind. My crew, this morning, consisted of a family from a place near Rockford, ILL. Mark and Cindy Simon, and their daughter, Kiera, would be joining me today. We headed east out of the break wall, and headed towards Cedar Point. The sky was cloudy and gray, and their was a light haze hanging over the water too. But, there in the smallest of openings in the clouds... the sun poked through, and lit things up a bit. We started in 30 feet of water. The Ulterra steered us on a northeasterly course, while the Baby ETEC pushed us at a speed of 1.9-2.1mph. We started with Flicker Minnow 11s behind Off Shore boards, (3 on each side), and two dipsies off each corner. The Flicker Minnows were set at 100 / 70 / 50 on the starboard side, and 100 / 80 / 65 on the port side...(longest leads on the outside). Dipsies: Yeck Spoons, Rippling Redfins, BadMo Spoons, and Scorpion Spoons today. Shorter inside rod: set on zero and set 30 back on both sides. The longer outside rods: were set on the 3 settings and sent out 50 and 60 back. I showed Mark how to use the boards and clip them on the line, and set them out. He caught on quick, and before he could start the second rod, the first bait out, got hit. Mark reeled in a nice eater, and put it in the cooler. I said, "I just hope this isn't one of those days when the first one comes superfast, and then we catch nothing for hours". Mark laughed, and emitted a feeling that he knew exactly what I was talking about. But, we didn't have to wait long for the next one to hit. It was another nice eater, I thought we were going to have a great morning. But, after fish number 4 came in the boat, the marks on the Helix were thinning out, and so was our bite. I tuned the boat around, to go back through that area, and see if that direction would be any better. We caught a few more, along with a couple of sheephead, so I directed the Ulterra to the NNW this time. We were now going with the waves, out to deeper water. I replaced the spoon on the starboard side's 3 setting with a Black and Gold Chrome Ripplin Redfin, and it caught a bunch of fish at 65 and 70 back. Kiera was on the money when reeling in dipsey fish.....reeling down to the dipsey, and then lifting and backing up at the same time, so the fish could be netted. She's a young athletic young lady, with a contagious smile, who loves to golf...and will hopefully succeed in getting a golf scholarship to college. She did an awesome job today. :) Mom, Cindy, was happy just floating along on the boat, and wasn't really interested in reeling in any fish, so Kiera, Mark, and I did it all. Most of the fish we caught today were little buggers on the spoons...along with 16 keepers that went in the cooler...the largest only going 23 inches. The Simon family was happy with their catch, and would have been happier, if Mark hadn't broken the key off in the truck topper's lock this morning. His cooler was in the back. lol I drove the fish over to Port Clinton Fish Co., so they could have them cleaned there. The bagged fillets could be put in a smaller cooler then. They had a great time, and that makes me happy! :) I am off tomorrow, due to forecasted conditions. The trip has been rescheduled to a later date. Weather permitting, I'll be back at it on Saturday. Stay tuned.... Capt Juls
Fishing with Rodney, Dan, and Joe 7/8/2021
by Capt Juls on 07/08/21I slept really well last night knowing that the crew I had for this morning were guys who have many years of experience under their own belts, and already know how to troll, so it was going to be an easy day for me. :)
Fishing with Rodney, Dan, and Joe 7/8/2021
by Capt Juls on 07/08/21I slept really well last night knowing that the crew I had for this morning were guys who have many years of experience under their own belts, and already know how to troll, so it was going to be an easy day for me. :)
Two Days of Fishing with Mark and Claudia Miller 7/6-7/2021
by Capt Juls on 07/07/21Yesterday, we stayed close to shore, because I was told that Claudia may get motion sickness, and the winds were gusting out of the SW, so it would have been pretty rough out where we ended up today, and where I was two days ago. We decided to give it a shot.
Fishing with Dave, Sue, and "Wojo" 7/5/2021
by Capt Juls on 07/05/21I had the 4th and 5th scheduled off....just because....but, I received an email from a local who was having some issues learning to troll for the first time, and asked if I had any openings this week. I couldn't let him go out there not knowing what he's doing, so I said I had tomorrow (today) open. He booked the trip.
Fishing with the Mathewson Family 6/30/2021
by Capt Juls on 06/30/21This was the first trip in about two weeks, because of reschedules, so I was really looking forward to getting back to work.
Fishing with Chuck, Vic, and Dave 6/17/2021
by Capt Juls on 06/17/21Let me preface this one by saying that I KNOW I took pics of these guys with fish this morning, with my iPhone, but for some reason, when I got home...all that was on there was the sunrise pic and a pic of a cooler of fish! Uffda!
Fishing with Dan, Brian, and Dalton 6/13/2021
by Capt Juls on 06/13/21This morning started out a little strange. I got up at 2am and there was a lightning show going on over on the Canadian side of the lake. I made a cup of coffee, made the cats their wet food....grabbed my phone and Dexter, and went out on the back deck to check out the storm on the other side of the lake.
Day 4 with Mark and Patty Leucht 6/10/2021
by Capt Juls on 06/10/21This morning, was Mark and Patty's 13th wedding anniversary, so I was happy to see it was going to be a nice day for their special day. The air temps were supposed to be a little cooler than it has been, but the humidity was still up.
Fishing with Al, John, and "Fred" 6/8/2021
by Capt Juls on 06/08/21I met my crew at Mazurik's at 5:15 and headed north out of the launch at 5:30. It was a warm and humid morning, after yesterday's storms, with a partly cloudy sky. The air temp was near 70 degrees. The wind forecast was calling for very light winds out of the SW, so the lake was pleasantly flat on our ride out.
Fishing with Mark and Patty 6/6-7/2021
by Capt Juls on 06/07/21Yesterday, was the first of a 5 day trip for Mark and Patty Leucht, who flew in from Wyoming Saturday night. They will be taking Tuesday off to do some sight seeing, and will be fishing Wednesday through Friday with me, while I take another crew out tomorrow.