Juls WFA Blog
Fishing with Dean Wallsmith and Bruce 5/22/2020
by Capt Juls on 05/22/20This morning was a drizzling rain with temps in the mid 50's. I was meeting Dean and Bruce at Catawba at 5:30. I left the house at 4:30, so I could go gas up the Ranger and grab some ice and minnows at Hi Way Bait. I figured if we caught our 18 walleye in a quick fashion that we could go look for some perch.
Fishing with Jeff and Nathan Carden 5/16/2020
by Capt Juls on 05/16/20Got up at 3am, to check the wind forecast, and make sure it didn't change for the worse...then, texted my guys to let them know we were still on for this morning.
Fishing with Mark and David Senter 5/13/2020
by Capt Juls on 05/13/20Today, was my first paying trip since we got locked down by the state back in early April. When I woke up this morning, I thought I would be tired, but as soon as I realized what day it was, my adrenaline popped me right up out of bed. I didn't even need any coffee this morning either, which is unusual.
Fishing with Jenn for the "Back to the Wild" Eagles 4/28/2020
by Capt Juls on 04/28/20First let me say, "At this time, I don't know when they will start selling non-resident fishing licenses again". I wish I had a crystal ball, but I don't. And, those that should know the answer, do not want to give a concrete answer, because of the Virus and all its uncertainty. So, when I know something more, and it's proven as "fact"...I'll post it. That's all I can do.
Day 3 with Bryon Haro 3/25/2020
by Capt Juls on 03/25/20This was Bryon Haro's third day with me, so he already knew the morning routine, which allowed us to move faster and get on the water by 7am. The sky was just getting light, the temp was around 36 degrees, and the wind was calm to light and variable. Other anglers were pulling in the parking lot, getting things ready, while others launched their boats.
Fishing Day 2 with Bryon Haro 3/24/2020
by Capt Juls on 03/24/20FYI: I am shutting down my charters after tomorrow's trip with Bryon, until April 9th, due to the implemented State Lockdown here in Ohio. The lockdown is supposed to end April 6th.
Fishing with Bryon Haro 3/23/2020
by Capt Juls on 03/23/20Before I get to the fishing part of my blog, I'd like to just update you on the situation here in Ohio as far as the Corona Virus goes...The state is on lockdown, or "shelter in place" until April 6th.
Fishing with Jim, Doug, and Chuck 3/19/2020
by Capt Juls on 03/19/20I left the house this morning at 6:30 and headed straight for Catawba Park. I was meeting Jim, Chuck, and Doug there at 7:30. I figured I could wipe the dirty spray off the boat, before they got there. The roads were wet from all the rain we had last night.
Fishing with Chris, Lyle, and Steve 3/12/2020
by Capt Juls on 03/12/20What a start to the morning. I left the house and had running lights on my trailer. I pulled into the gas station to fill the Ranger and left the truck running. I pulled away from the gas station and noticed that my running lights went out. I blew the fuse again...sigh. I'll have to figure this one out.
Fishing with Mark, Cassie, and Cassie's Papa 3/11/20
by Capt Juls on 03/11/20Even though I was out fishing with friends in January and February of this year, today was the official start of my Lake Erie charters for the 2020 season. Woot! Woot!
The New Ranger is Here and Ready to Go! :)
by Capt Juls on 02/17/20I picked up the new Ranger 621 FS Pro back on the 7th, and got some aftermarket things installed, and she's ready to go!
Fishing for the Heck of it...1/28/2020
by Capt Juls on 01/28/20Headed out this morning at 11:30 from Huron with my friend, Jenn Weiland. She's the "Her" part in "H & H Charters" (His and Hers).
Fishing for "Back to the Wild" Wildlife Rescue 1/15/20
by Capt Juls on 01/15/20This morning I drove the jeep over to Jenn's house so we could hook my Ranger up to her Yukon, because I didn't know if the ramps would be icy or not, and she has 4WD. My old Excursion is only 2WD.
Fishing with Tom and Bob 12/28/19
by Capt Juls on 12/28/19Tom and Bob drove in from Cincinnati this morning and were meeting me at Mazurik's for an 8am launch. The Ranger was already gassed up, so I only needed to get some ice for the fish cooler, and hit Big Bopper's for some breakfast, before heading to the ramp.
Fishing with Jim Renaldo 12/7/19
by Capt Juls on 12/07/19I woke up at 3am this morning, and thought about what I was going to do today. I was meeting Jim Renaldo at Mazurik's at 7:30. I grabbed a cup of coffee and took the dogs out back to do their thing. I took a quick look at the wind forecast, and smiled. I like it when the colors are light blue, because that means it's less than 10 mph out of whatever direction it's blowing. This morning it was a turning wind. It blew yesterday out of the WNW, and then, overnight, it laid down and calmed right down.
Fishing with Chris and Kelly Literski 11/29/19
by Capt Juls on 11/29/19Chris and Kelly drove a little over 2 hours this morning, coming in from MI, and met me at the house at 6:50am. We headed over to Anchor's Away to pick up the Ranger, and then on to Mazurik's where we launched at 7:30.
Fishing with Capt Jenn and Capt Eric 11/26/19
by Capt Juls on 11/26/19Today, I took Capt Jenn Wieland and Capt Eric Litton out for a day of Brawl'n and just plain old "fun fishing".
Fishing with Steve and Jeremy Chapman 11/18/19
by Capt Juls on 11/18/19Last night the winds were calm and the temps were in the 30's. The sky had cloud cover so the lake would be dark, and the fish might not feed as well as they did during the full moon. Today I would be fishing with my regulars, Steve and Jeremy Chapman. I found out while we were fishing, that this was a present from Jeremy, to his Dad, for Steve's Birthday. :)
Fishing with Marc Miller, Cody, and Conner
by Capt Juls on 11/18/19The parking lot was 1/2 full already, and the get-ready lanes were full too. I could feel an air of excitement around me as I stepped out of the truck to go free the straps that bind my gal to the trailer, and turn everything on.
Fishing with Bob and Bruce Brenton 11/6/19
by Capt Juls on 11/06/19Bob and Bruce drove in from MI this morning and met me at my house at 7am. We headed to town for the usual gas up and bait/ice pick up, and then over to Mazurick's to launch. We hit the water at 7:45 and only had to wait about 5 minutes for the ETEC to warm up to temp before I could put the Ranger up on plane.