Juls WFA Blog
Day Two Fishing with Mary and Nancy 10/29/19
by Capt Juls on 10/29/19I picked my crew up at 6am from the White Caps Motel and we headed into town to gas up the truck, pick up minnows and ice from Hi Way Bait, and stop off at Bopper's for some breakfast. (I know, I previously said that we would be hitting Berardi's in Huron for breakfast, but they didn't open until 7am, so it was a timing thing. Besides, Big B's has Pumpkin Pancakes with caramel sauce and whipped cream right now....and, just for the record, they are delicious!)
Fishing with Mary and Nancy 10/28/19
by Capt Juls on 10/28/19Mary and Nancy drove in from Columbus this morning and were to meet me at Mazurik's at 7:30. I had left early this morning, so I would arrive there at 7am. I wanted to tie up some crappie rigs for our perch trip today. They had beat me there and were a 1/2 hour early! But, because they are women...it didn't surprise me one bit, and it made me chuckle, because it seems I'm usually waiting for men to arrive on time. ;)
Fishing with Steve and Jeremy Chapman 10/25/19
by Capt Juls on 10/25/19I left the house at 6:15am this morning, to meet my crew over in Huron at 7:30. After hitting the gas station to gas up the Ranger, and Rickard's Bait for some minnows, I headed east down Rt 2.
Fishing with Tim, Matt, and Wyatt 10/18/19
by Capt Juls on 10/18/19Well, the two days earlier this week that I had scheduled didn't work out. Mike didn't want to come down to only get one of two days in, so he rescheduled his trip to next July.
Fishing with Kim, Garrett. Wyatt, and Wesley 10/9/19
by Capt Juls on 10/10/19Sorry, that it's been a while since I last blogged here....but, there was nothing to blog about.
Fishing with Guy, Brennan, and Dom 9/19/19
by Capt Juls on 09/20/19I left the house at 5:45 this morning, and headed into town to gas up the Ranger and grab some ice from Rickard's. I was driving over to Huron to meet my crew there. Guy, Brennan, and B's son, Dom, are from the Cleveland area, so it was a shorter drive to the launch for them, if I met them over there.
Fishing with Dave and Debbie DeVroy...9/11/19
by Capt Juls on 09/11/19Just a quick note about Day Two with Bob, Mike, and Larry yesterday.....great guys to fish with, but the fishing sucked out of Huron for us yesterday. We only caught 7 small eaters, so there wasn't much to talk about. Deep sigh....lol
Day One of Two with Bob, Mike, and Larry 9/9/19
by Capt Juls on 09/09/19I picked my crew up from the White Caps Motel at 6am and we headed to Big Bopper's after gassing up and hitting Rickard's Bait for some ice. I did pick up 4 scoops of minnows too, in case the walleye bite was faster than my previous trips, so we could try for some perch if there was time.
Two days with Tyler, Angie, and Rod... 9/6-7/19
by Capt Juls on 09/07/19Tyler, Angie, and Rod drove overnight Thursday night, from Nebraska, to get here bright and early Friday morning for a couple of days of fishing. They were scheduled for a Saturday/Sunday trip, but the forecast was calling for calm winds on Friday and Saturday was looking iffy, so they made the decision to drive overnight to fish on Friday. Their second day would be either Saturday or Sunday, whichever had the better winds. As it turned out, we ended up fishing yesterday and today.
Haven't Been Out Since Last Thursday
by Capt Juls on 08/27/19For those of you who check this daily, I'm sorry there isn't anything to report.
Fishing Two Days with Cally and Diane Morgan...8/19-20/19
by Capt Juls on 08/20/19Yesterday, was the first of a two day trip with "Mr and Mrs Claus", as I like to call them. Cally and Diane Morgan are from MN and he is the spitting image of the commercial likeness of Santa Claus. They both dress up as the characters for the holiday season and play the parts for different occassions. :)
Fishing with Bob, Alex, and Tim 8/17/19
by Capt Juls on 08/17/19Today's trip was actually paid for last year by Bob's Dad, and Stepmother, but he couldn't catch a break in the weather for the dates he had chosen, so we moved it to this year, and we were finally able to make it out today.
Fishing with my Big Brother, Jack, and Phil and Jake 8/12/19
by Capt Juls on 08/12/19Yesterday, after cleaning the house, cutting my grass, my two neighbor's yards, and getting food ready, I welcomed my big brother, Jack, who hails from Mississippi these days, for a night's stay. His work associate, Phil, and his son would be driving in from NW Detroit to meet at my house this morning.
Fishing with the Jordan Crew 8/10/19
by Capt Juls on 08/10/19I was supposed to fish with Brian Jordan and his sons, Brain and Brad, yesterday, but with the wind forecast what it was, I asked them if they could fish today instead. They said they could, if I could pick them up from Kelly's at 8am.
Fishing with Bruce and Nate Hezlep 8/5/19
by Capt Juls on 08/05/19I picked my crew up at a designated spot close to the condo they rented and a parking lot that my rig could easily maneuver in. They jumped in the old Excursion at 5:30 and we were off. We hit speedway to get some ice and to fill a trailer tire that looked low. As I went to get ice, Bruce and Nate got to work putting air in the suspect tire. When I came back, Bruce said, "That one was down to 14 pounds". "Are you kidding me?", I asked. "Well, I'm glad we checked it then", I said, shaking my head. "I'll take it over to my guys at "Tri-County" to get it checked out later.
Fishing with Marc, Grace, and Triston 8/5/19
by Capt Juls on 08/05/19I told my crew to meet me at Mazurik's at 6am....and, they were only a few minutes late, driving in from the Cleveland area. I've fished with Marc for many years now. He first starting fishing with me about 6 years ago. Last year, he brought his daughter, Grace, for the first time, and she loved it, so now he fishes with her instead. Grace brought her new boyfriend Triston along. He's never been fishing, and was looking forward to catching his first walleye.
Fishing with Tony, Tony, and Alex 8/3/19
by Capt Juls on 08/03/19The days are getting shorter, and the sun doesn't come up until 6:30 now, so there was no hurry to get to the launch by 5:30. I left the house at 5:20 and ran to the gas station to pick up some ice for the cooler, before picking my crew up from their hotel at 5:50. We had agreed to meet at 6am, but they were all downstairs and ready to go when I arrived, so they piled in the old truck and we headed over to Mazurik's.
Fishing with the Wilburn Family 8/1/19
by Capt Juls on 08/01/19After several days off, due to reschedules, it was back to business this morning. There was a 15mph NE wind on my back deck at 3am, which kind of pissed me off. It's been NE for days now. I looked at the iWindSurf app to see what the forecast would be over in Huron for the rest of the morning, and it showed it laying down a little bit...not much, but enough to make it a "go".
Fishing with Mick and Kyle McMahon Day 2 7/27/19
by Capt Juls on 07/28/19I hit Mazurik's at 5:20 and waited for someone to show up, who would be willing to back me in, since my crew was out on South Bass Island. I didn't have to wait long, before fellow Capt., Tony Hernandez, showed up with a friend and offered to help. Thanks, Tony!
Fishing with Mick and Kyle McMahon 7/26/19
by Capt Juls on 07/26/19I got to sleep in this morning. My crew wasn't expected to fly into Port Clinton until 8:30am, so I set the alarm for an extra hour and took advantage of some REM and weird dreams this early am.