Juls WFA Blog
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Juls Walleye Fishing Adventures
Lake Erie Walleye-Perch Fishing Charters-Running 7 days a week!
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Juls WFA Blog

Day Two Fishing with Mary and Nancy 10/29/19

by Capt Juls on 10/29/19

I picked my crew up at 6am from the White Caps Motel and we headed into town to gas up the truck, pick up minnows and ice from Hi Way Bait, and stop off at Bopper's for some breakfast. (I know, I previously said that we would be hitting Berardi's in Huron for breakfast, but they didn't open until 7am, so it was a timing thing. Besides, Big B's has Pumpkin Pancakes with caramel sauce and whipped cream right now....and, just for the record, they are delicious!)

After breakfast we headed to Huron to launch and were at the mouth of the river just in time for the sunrise....timing is everything....and, it's a good way to start my day off on a good note. lol

The plan was to find some piggy perch over by the Castle, or near Vermilion, where I was last Friday. 

The Helix wasn't showing me much when we passed out in front of the Castle though. There were a few boats there already, but I didn't see them doing much at that time, so I headed to Vermilion to check it out.  The Helix showed about the same marks that were there this past Friday, but we only caught 3 there, and they were not pigs like the last time. Well...one was...but, the other two were just your average 8-9 inchers.

I asked Mary and Nancy if they wanted to go try to do some walleye fishing, as they had never trolled for walleye before. They were both interested, so I pulled out the trolling rods and Off Shore boards while they kept fishing.  When I was ready, I turned the Spot Loc off and turned the Ulterra's head 90 degrees, to turn us around, so we could head east. We were 1/2 way between Vermilion and the Castle by this time.

I set the speed at 1.5-1.6 mph. We ran 6 Bandits out 100-117 back (unassisted) behind the boards, targeting the suspended fish in the 19-20 foot range over 35 to 36 feet of water. The water temp was still 55 degrees today, so it didn't go down any since yesterday. 

Mary and Nancy did very well in learning how to attach the boards, and set them out in marching soldier fashion. I explained what they will do when a fish is on, and, then, how to bring in a board from its place in the line up. They did very well, and learned quickly. They seemed to enjoy it too, so that made me happy. :)

The Bandits colors that worked for us today were: Red Headed Wonderbread, Black Headed Wonderbread, RC Crush, Golden Boy, and Blue/Chrome. 

After we put 10 nice chunky walleye in the box, we went to see if the perch bite had turned on more as the day progressed, but we would only catch a few more. I think there were a total of 7 or 8 perch today, so that was a bit disappointing.  If we wouldn't have wasted so much time this morning looking for perch to bite, we could have easily gotten our 3 person limit on walleye in less than two hours, and, then, gone to find some perch. But, we all know how that goes, eh? lol

The walleye bite was very good, and the walleye bellies are getting plumper each and every day. I can't wait for next spring to come already. It's going to be a great year next year....barring any bad weather, of course.

My trip for tomorrow has been rescheduled to the 2020 season.  And, my next charter is scheduled for Monday. But, as of right now, the wind forecast is not favorable, so....

Stay tuned....

Capt Juls

Fishing with Mary and Nancy 10/28/19

by Capt Juls on 10/28/19

Mary and Nancy drove in from Columbus this morning and were to meet me at Mazurik's at 7:30. I had left early this morning, so I would arrive there at 7am. I wanted to tie up some crappie rigs for our perch trip today. They had beat me there and were a 1/2 hour early!  But, because they are women...it didn't surprise me one bit, and it made me chuckle, because it seems I'm usually waiting for men to arrive on time. ;)

It was still dark, so I said we would be waiting until it lightened up, and that I was going to tie up some new rigs for the rods.

By the time I was done, another Ranger owner pulled in the get ready lanes, so I asked if one of them would dump us in, so the ladies didn't have to help me. They were kind enough to dump us and go park my truck for me. Thank you to whoever you were! Much appreciated! :)

We headed to the northeast of Kelly's to perch fish, and set the Spot Loc on the Ulterra in a spot that the Helix was showing fish on the bottom. But, the current up there was tremendous and the lines were almost horizontal, so we changed locations to the "Stone Dock" on the NW corner of the island.

We caught a bunch of small perch, some sheep, and some white perch there. I decided to move north towards Gull Island Shoal and try by the buoy. My Ulterra was acting unlike it ever has though, and instead of pointing me into the wind, like it's supposed to, it had me stern into the wind, and left me scratching my head. I couldn't figure it out.

We moved again, back down towards the stone dock, but moved out to deeper water this time. The first time, we set up in 27 feet of water. This time we were in 34 feet. We caught some small ones again along with some keeper sized fish too.  They were not coming fast though. On the bright side though....the Ulterra seemed to be working like its supposed to.

I kept looking to the west, and wondering how dirty the water had gotten after the blow. Yesterday, when I looked from shore, while driving into town along the lakefront, the water looked muddy out there, so I was hesitant to go that distance only to find it was not fishable.  I asked the gals, "Feel like taking a ride to the west? If the water isn't bad, we should be able to find some that are more willing to bite." "Let's go!", said Nancy, and Mary agreed. So, we headed to the E and D can area.   Long story short....we bombed there. lol

I headed over towards Mouse Island only to find more of that swift current. I dug some heavier weights out of the box and had the ladies put them on to see if that would get the baits down in a more vertical fashion....and, it did.  After doing that though, I was kicking myself inside, because I hadn't thought of putting a heavier weight on in the first spot this morning....duh!

There were a lot of marks on the Helix in that Mouse area, but I think they might have been shad and not perch, because something should have hit, or been snagged if those had been perch.  We moved over to the Lakeside spot I had used a couple times in the past couple of weeks, and we found some decent sized ones to put in the box.  Nancy finished off the morning with a big fish. She thought it was a sheepshead, so I kept fishing. Then, I looked over the side and said, "OMG, it's a good walleye! I'll get the net". Nancy had hooked a nice 5 pounder, and in the box it went, much to her delight.

I will be fishing with Mary and Nancy again tomorrow. It looks like the last nice day of the week, so we're going to  head over to Huron and go out of there in the morning.  We'll stop for breakfast at Berardi's before heading the ramp at 7:30.

In case you're wondering, the water temp was only one degree cooler than this past Friday and registered in at 55.3 degrees.

Stay tuned....

Capt Juls

Fishing with Steve and Jeremy Chapman 10/25/19

by Capt Juls on 10/25/19

I left the house at 6:15am this morning, to meet my crew over in Huron at 7:30. After hitting the gas station to gas up the Ranger, and Rickard's Bait for some minnows, I headed east down Rt 2.

I got to the launch at 7:05 and shot Jermey a text asking what their ETA was. He said they were 20 minutes out. That gave me time to ready the boat and rig up some Bandits on the rods before heading out.

The plan was to target walleye first, and then if we put some in the box, we would go try to find some perch out of Vermilion. Fall used to be fantastic for perch'n out of Vermilion, in years past, so I wanted to see if it still happened there.

We trolled the Bandits at 100 back (unassisted), 30/30 2oz, and 50/50 2oz at 1.5-1.7mph just NW of Vermilion at the 27/24 line.  The 100 back, and the 50/50 2oz back, caught 8 walleye. Red Headed Wonderbread, Black Headed Wonderbread, RC Crush, and Seasick Frog all caught fish. The common denominator was the white bodies.  

The water temperature was 56 degrees.

After we put the walleye in the box, they wanted to go try for some perch.  We headed in towards the mouth of the river and when we hit 36 feet of water, I slowed to boat down to look for some fish on the bottom with the Helix.  We stopped in 33 feet of water about a mile west of the mouth of the Vermilion River and set the Spot Loc on the Ulterra.

We had Emerald Shiners today, so we hooked them up on the crappie rigs and sent them down. After a lot of missed bites, by all of us, Steve finally caught a perch...the smallest one of the day by the way, and that one was 7 inches. The next one, was on the end of my line...it was a piggy perch that went 12 inches. A good sign that we were in a decent area. It gave them positive thoughts at the very least.

It wasn't a fast bite, but steady enough that we never thought about moving. Only 24 perch were caught before it was time to head in. They went 15 pounds at Bay's Edge Fish Cleaning....or, 1.6 fish per pound. ;)

Several times today, I heard them say to each other, "This is the best trip we've had so far". Now, mind you, Steve and Jermey have fished with me several times each year for the past 8 years now. I know we have had fast walleye bites and filled the cooler with our limits, and we have had perch trips that were "up and down" and filled the cooler with our limits. So, I had to ask, "Why?".  Jeremy said, "We've caught some nice fish today, and had a lot of fun!" He added,  "It's not all about how many we catch".  Steve agreed. 

I understood. I also understand that as a new Dad, and the fact that this is the first time back on the water in over 4 months, that just being out on the water today, was probably enough to make him very happy. The nice fish we caught were just a bonus. 

It was a very fun day, and that makes me happy. :)

I'm waiting until the AM to make the call on tomorrow's scheduled trip with Jack Marcus and his two boys. They had a Saturday/Sunday trip scheduled, but it looks like Old Mother Nature is going to blow again. Sunday is out for sure, but I'm holding out  hope we can get out of Catawba and try for some perch on the protected side of the island tomorrow. It's not looking good right now. The forecast kept changing all day for the worse....deep sigh.

Stay tuned....

Capt Juls

Fishing with Tim, Matt, and Wyatt 10/18/19

by Capt Juls on 10/18/19

Well, the two days earlier this week that I had scheduled didn't work out. Mike didn't want to come down to only get one of two days in, so he rescheduled his trip to next July.

Today, I had my regular customers, Tim and Matt McGlothlin and Matt's son Wyatt. Tim is also the happy new owner of my 2019 Ranger 621 FS, but he's offered to let me use it until the 2020 Ranger arrives next spring, so I'm still scheduling dates until the ramps are too icy to launch from. Woot! Woot! Thank you Tim!

However, all my days in October are booked right now, but I have plenty open for November and December. I don't care if you're in the Fall Brawl or not. You do not need to be a brawler to go out with me. However, if you are a brawler....I'm signed up too, so that won't be a problem. ;)

This morning, we hit Ala-Carte in downtown Port Clinton for breakfast before heading to the gas station and over to Rickard's to pick up some minnows and ice. Rickard's will be closing their doors forever come November 10th, so I wanted to make sure I still got to see their smiling faces a few more times before they left us for good. I sure will miss them!

We launched out of Catawba at 9am. The wind was out of the northwest at around 11mph, so it was a bit bumpy, but not bad. I headed to my last known perch spot from last Wednesday, near E can, but it was super muddy, and the marks weren't showing up on the Helix like before, so we didn't waste much time there. I said, "Let's head north and see if we can find some cleaner water. Maybe, we'll find some up there."  

We moved up past Niagara where the water was a bit cleaner...."cleaner" meaning, I could see the cavitation plate, at the very least. The Helix showed some decent marks, but they turned out to be babies. All we caught there were young perch no bigger than 5-6 inches, so we moved again. 

This time, we moved northeast towards West Reef, and found the water was a little bit cleaner there too. The sonar showed decent marks, so the Ulterra was deployed and the Spot Lock anchored us one more time. (That machine makes it so easy to move around, because I know I would not want to move much if I had to raise and lower an anchor each time).  We were set up just off the west side of the reef in 33 feet of water and started to get into a little better bite. We managed to put 21 keepers in the box, so it wasn't a great bite, but it was enough to stay interested.
If all the little perch we threw back today were keepers we would have had a much better box to show for it. But, that's the way it goes, and I'm actually happy to see those little buggers, because they are the future of our perch fishery. 

I let Tim drive us back to the launch when it was time to go in, so that made him happy. They enjoyed the nice weather after the wind laid down, and the sun warmed things up, and were happy to be on the lake today....and, that made me happy. :)

Tomorrow, I have a walleye trip with Jeff Robinson and his crew. We'll be launching out of Mazurik's around 7:45...to catch that sunrise on the water.

Stay tuned....

Capt Juls

Fishing with Kim, Garrett. Wyatt, and Wesley 10/9/19

by Capt Juls on 10/10/19

Sorry, that it's been a while since I last blogged here....but, there was nothing to blog about.

I had very few scheduled trips the first two weeks of October, and those that I did have scheduled had to be rescheduled due to wind. That's Lake Erie for ya!

Anyway, this past Tuesday, I went on a perch scouting trip with my friend, Capt Jenn, who is running H&H Charters with her Husband Capt Matt Wieland (H&H stands for "His and Her's)...which I think is cute. :)  

I had heard of a good bite up by D Can, so while heading there, the Helix showed some good marks just southwest of E Can. I slowed down and the marks were pretty good, so after stopping the boat completely, I deployed the Ulterra and hit the Spot-Lock to anchor our position over what I hoped were perch.

We used Goldies from Rickard's that were about an inch and a half grade, and kept getting bites, but not bringing them up. I used my thumbnail to rip the minnows in half and used the head on one hook and the tail on the other hook, to see if that would improve our chances. It did.  They were not monsters, but big enough for the cleaners, along with many throwbacks too. We did get our two person limit for the day, so I was happy that I had a spot for my next day's charter with Kim, and his Grandsons.

Fast forward to their trip...

I picked them up at the White Caps Motel at 6:45, and we headed to town for some breakfast at Big Bopper's. On the way, we stopped at Rickard's for more minnows and ice.  

On a side note here....do not park in the "Barrys' Bagels" parking lot on the corner there next to Rickard's. I pulled in there, because the boat lot at Rickard's had two boats taking up that lot and there were 4 cars in the regular lot. 
There was no one parked in the lot at Barry's.  He came out and yelled, "Are you getting something here?" I said, "No, I'm going over here", pointing to the bait shop. He got a mean look on his face and said, "You can't park here then. This is for MY customers! I said, "I'll only be five minutes, and there's no one in your lot", which made him even more mad. "You can't park here, leave, or I'll call the cops", he said, as he walked back in his shop.  So...pissed off, I moved.  Looking back, I should have just ignored him. If he had called the cops, I would have been gone before they got there. lol   I tried his bagels once...and, I know why his lot is always empty....must be why he's such an angry little man. ;)


After we got our bait, we headed to Big Bopper's. After breakfast, we headed to Catawba to launch. We hit the water at 8am and headed right back to where Jenn and I caught our perch the day before. With the Spot-Lock, I was able to sit right back down exactly on the spot we had previously. The Helix showed a few fish, but not the marks we had the day before. I said, "We'll give the 20 minutes, and if they don't start biting, we'll move". But, luckily, after about 5 minutes, the marks on the bottom started showing up, and Garrett caught the first one, and shortly after, I caught the second. I smiled inside, because I didn't want to have to go looking again. 

This trip was a donated trip from last year's CIC Red Cross Charity Event, but due to weather, I was unable to get them out last season. I let them move it to this year, and we had to reschedule it again two or three times too. Mother Nature was not playing nice with this crew's trip, but we finally got it in, and it was worth the wait. The conditions were very nice with a light SE wind in the morning and then, by noon it switched to the east-northeast. It was sunny, and in the mid 60's by mid morning.

We only did a 4 hour trip, but were able to put 101 perch in the cooler with about as many throwbacks, so they could grow bigger.  We were only in 26 feet of water, so the little guys were not getting their air bladder in their throats like they do when they come up from deeper water. Their chances of survival were very good.  

The Ullman family had a great time, and went home with enough perch for a few fish fries, and that made me happy! :)      

My next trip, was a two day trip, scheduled for this Saturday and Sunday, but good old Momma Nature decided she wants to blow again, along with wind chills in the mid 30's to lower 40's this weekend, so I've rescheduled that two day trip to the 26th and 27th of this month.  

My next trip out is a two day trip with Mike Krakow. Fingers crossed for nice weather! 

Stay tuned....

Capt Juls                                     

Fishing with Guy, Brennan, and Dom 9/19/19

by Capt Juls on 09/20/19

I left the house at 5:45 this morning, and headed into town to gas up the Ranger and grab some ice from Rickard's. I was driving over to Huron to meet my crew there. Guy, Brennan, and B's son, Dom, are from the Cleveland area, so it was a shorter drive to the launch for them, if I met them over there.

I had fished the past few days over by the islands, with little to show for it, other than spending some quality time with some very cool people and catching a few fish. No limits, however....sigh. 
(For those that only read my blog on my website, I keep a FB page too, and post a day's events there, if you want to check that out from time to time. https://www.facebook.com/JulsWFA) 

I post the good bites, and I post the bad bites, because it happens to everyone. Does it suck? Sure does! But, tomorrow is always a new day, and a new puzzle, to figure out. As much as it can aggravating...that's the part of fishing I like best, because the bad days teach you many things. When you finally figure out the piece of the puzzle that's missing, and it all comes together....you just smile and proceed to fill the cooler. ;)

Anyway...I digress....

We headed out of the Huron River at sunrise. The wind was out of the SSE at 10mph. When I heard someone say, it will be nice out there today, to which I said, "It will be calm inside here, but it will be rougher out where we're going...just so you know. The further we get from shore the bigger the waves will be". 

Guy rode in the passenger seat, while Brennan and Dom sat in the rear. I put a big towel around Dom's legs, because he only had shorts on, and it was only 64 degrees. That temp, with my boat speeds, would be chilly on his little boy legs. 

I put the throttle down on that big 300 hanging off the back of my sparkly boat, and the G2 powered out of the hole. "She" (my boat) glided across a flat lake until the waves started getting bigger. I backed off on the throttle and set a cruising speed of 30mph....until, of course, the waves started getting bigger.  I was then "driving the waves"...which means, I was on and off the throttle as I drove.

As we headed to the Weather Buoy, I was keeping an eye on the Helix. I was hoping to find some good marks somewhere in between the river and the Weather Buoy. It was around the dumping ground, that is way out there, about 4 miles south of the WB, where I noticed some decent marks. 

The 621 came off plane and I shut the motor off. I've gotten in the habit of deploying the Ulterra from the Helix, and find that it is very convenient to be able to get the motor going down, before I turn around to find my remote that sits on the floor beside me. I then set the course.

The baby ETEC was lowered and then powered up to push us anywhere from 2.1 to 3.0. I usually try a lot of different speeds until I find the one that catches the most fish, and then set it to that.  I will still make some turns from time to time to make sure it hasn't changed though.  

To make this long story shorter....because I could just go on and on tonight...I'll just give you the Cliff Notes version:

We had a tough bite. 

I never got the puzzle figured out...but, I can tell you what did catch our fish today.

The Black Headed Wonder Bread Bandit, run 85 back behind an Off Shore board took the first keeper walleye.

The #1 dipsy w/ring set on a 3 setting at 85 back....with a silver and green Scorpion spoon took the second one there. Then, nothing.....ugh.

Eventually, we picked up and moved over towards Lorain more...in the 31/18 area. We set up on the edge of a shoal and trolled from the outside edge to the top of it and caught two fish as we came up the side of it into shallower water. 

One off a Buck Fever Bandit (purple and chrome, for those that will want to PM me and ask). ;) That one was running 125 back behind the board.

The fourth fish came on the 3 setting dipsy again at....you guessed it...85. This time, and orange Yeck spoon.

We had a nice walleye on the zero setting at 51, (I don't remember the color) but lost that one at the back of the boat. All three of these fish came pretty close together. 

The speed was 2.4 when these fish hit.

I took note of the depth, and decided to run the outside edge of this shoal at that same depth, thinking they might be holding there. Nope...these fish were moving. They were there one minute and gone the next....we just got lucky and caught two of the three nomads, while they were on the move.

We ended up dragging some 2019 babies, for a way, but I'm usually pretty good at checking in decent intervals, so they don't hang for too long.  Those little buggers always crack me up...chasing and catching something as big as they are, going that fast. They will be prolific eaters, and if they don't get caught, will become our trophies in the future. 

I always give them a kiss, and send them on their way with wishes of, "good luck", so they will grow to be new state records. 

It was a fun day despite the slow bite, and Dom had a good time, and that's all that matters. Guy will be coming back in October to fish with me. He and his friend, CJ have fished with me several times over the last 8 years, but CJ couldn't make this trip, so just the two of them will be back for the fall bite. That makes me happy. 

Tomorrow, I am fishing with Joe and Justine Halamas, who hail from Chicago. They are arriving late tonight, so I won't be picking them up until 8am. We will go to breakfast someplace, and then launch by 9am out of Catawba. Time to try something different, and maybe find some perch after trying a go at walleye.

Stay tuned....

Capt Juls

Fishing with Dave and Debbie DeVroy...9/11/19

by Capt Juls on 09/11/19

Just a quick note about Day Two with Bob, Mike, and Larry yesterday.....great guys to fish with, but the fishing sucked out of Huron for us yesterday. We only caught 7 small eaters, so there wasn't much to talk about. Deep sigh....lol

This morning was a new day. I was apprehensive as I got things ready though, because I was worried that my Wisconsin crew came all the way down here and the bite was slowing down. I wanted to keep a positive outlook and reminded myself that I was going out of Mazurik's today and the wind forecast was promising a beautiful day. So, with that in mind, I headed out the door at 6:15 and headed over to the White Caps Motel to pick up my Wisco peeps.

They were ready and waiting for me to arrive at 6:20 and hopped in the old truck, and off we went into town to gas up, grab some ice, and head over to Mazurik's to launch.

We launched at 7am and headed NE to start. I went back to the spot where my previous crew had caught that nice 30 incher the other day, to see if those fish were still in the area.  That was up at the 37/35 line. 

We set up with the usual dipsy program using the zero, 1 1/2, and 3 settings on each side of the boat.  Dave had run dipsies before, but never for walleye. I said, "It's the same", and got busy setting spoons out. We started with mostly blue/silver combos, since that was the hot color on previous trips. 

The zero setting was set at 50 and 55 back. The 1 1/2 setting was set at 70-75 back, and the three setting was set at 100 back. Speed was 2.5 mph.  

We caught two up in that area, but the marks on the Helix were not what I wanted to see on the sonar. Meanwhile, Capt Eric Litton, on the "Pirate Clipper", had sent me a text stating where he was, and that they caught two while setting lines, and it looked good marks-wise. He was on an easterly troll. I made the decision to move straight down to where he was and set up in 44' of water off the south shore.

He was about a mile and a half east of me when I got down there, and I noticed he was making a turn to come back, so I decided to stick to the area I arrived in and set the Ulterra on a WSW trolling pass. 

I eventually took the zero setting lines out of the lineup and ran just the two dipsies on each side...to minimize tangles that kept happnening for some reason). I swapped out three blue/silvers for a watermelon, fried chicken, and my favorite purple with the chart stripe down one side (pictured in the fishes mouth in one of the pictures).  The fried chicken and that purple one were very good producers!

Our catch rate started to pick up as we made our way west, and when the marks would run out, we turned around and made the same pass to the ENE. I would say we were only making 1/2-3/4 mile passes back and forth over a smaller school of walleye and picking them off at a rate of 3-4 per pass.  We ended the day with our three person limit, and a handful of extras that we either threw back to grow bigger, or because they were fish that were on when we pulled lines to head in.

It was a beautiful day to be on the water today, and Dave and Debbie had a great time. My feeling of dread early this morning was replaced with a renewed sense of success, and that made me happy!  Thanks, Eric for the tip! You saved my day...lol

I'm off tomorrow, and Friday's trip might be rescheduled to Saturday, due to weather.

Stay tuned....

Capt Juls

Day One of Two with Bob, Mike, and Larry 9/9/19

by Capt Juls on 09/09/19

I picked my crew up from the White Caps Motel at 6am and we headed to Big Bopper's after gassing up and hitting Rickard's Bait for some ice. I did pick up 4 scoops of minnows too, in case the walleye bite was faster than my previous trips, so we could try for some perch if there was time.

We launched at 7:15 and headed ENE out of Mazurik's. The winds were light, but the NE rollers were still coming in, so even though the surface of the lake looked calm from a distance, once we were on it, traveling wasn't going to be very fast. We took our time and headed out to the 33/32 line. The Ulterra was deployed and directed to troll a westerly pass. The baby ETEC was set so the speed was at 2.3-2.5mph.

My crew had run dipsies before, so I didn't have to train them on how to set them, and they did great. The zero setting dips were set at 45 and 50...the 1 1/2 setting dips were set at 65 and 75, and the three setting dips were set at 95 and 100 back.
Spoons that ended up being the best for us were the Blue/Silver, Red Headed Wonderbread, and Water Melon. The Blue Silver Ripplin Redfin ran on the three setting at 95 back and took several fish.

Our third fish on that pass was a big girl. She was just under the 30" mark on the "Judge", and brought big smiles to the crew....and, to me. Those big fish still make my knees shake when I see them coming in, with their big mouths wide open. lol

We only caught 4 fish on that first pass, and since the winds were getting even lighter, and the lake was laying down more, we picked everything up and made a move down towards the Huron Dump. The marks on the Helix were good, but not the greatest. There were enough for me to give it a shot, so we set up with a southwesterly troll. We caught one right away, but then it was a long period before the next one showed up. "Time to change the angle of our dangle", I said, and I turned to boat to go east and then northeast. We picked up a couple more in that direction, but I wasn't satisfied, so I changed the direction one more time to go in that westerly direction again, and we started catching at a better rate.

We would end our 6 hour trip with 16 in the box and threw back around 10 that were just under 15". They all went back with a kiss and a whisper, wishing them to grow up to be 20 pounds. :)

My crew did a great job today, and had a good time. The conversation was enjoyable and it was nice that the weather was beautiful for their trip. These boys are all older and Mike is a two time Purple Heart recipient, so I felt honored just to have them on my boat today!

We are going to launch out of Huron tomorrow, since the wind forecast is calling for south winds gusting to 19-20mph.  A shorter ride is in order here, and we can use the wind to our advantage over there....hopefully. The fish just have to cooperate for us.

Needless to say, we didn't have time to try for perch, so my neighbor's fish got to eat all the minnows. ;)

Stay tuned....

Capt Juls

Two days with Tyler, Angie, and Rod... 9/6-7/19

by Capt Juls on 09/07/19

Tyler, Angie, and Rod drove overnight Thursday night, from Nebraska, to get here bright and early Friday morning for a couple of days of fishing. They were scheduled for a Saturday/Sunday trip, but the forecast was calling for calm winds on Friday and Saturday was looking iffy, so they made the decision to drive overnight to fish on Friday. Their second day would be either Saturday or Sunday, whichever had the better winds. As it turned out, we ended up fishing yesterday and today.

They arrived at my house at 8:30 Friday morning. I had a hot breakfast of scrambled eggs, sausage, and toast waiting for them, and told them to take their time. It was going to be nice all day, so there was no hurry. 

We left the house around 9:30 and headed to Mazurik's after gassing up the Ranger and getting some ice for the cooler. We launched at 10am and headed east of Kelly's. We started out on the SE corner of Kelly's and picked up two eaters right away, but we were constantly checking the dipsies and cleaning grass off the divers and the spoons, so I made the decision to head to the weather buoy. It was another 13 miles, but it didn't take that long to get out there.

I was disappointed in the numberof marks showing on the Helix though, and didn't like our chances of catching out there. We did pick up four more walleye there, which were bigger in grade, but it was slow. So, we made the decision to head back to the west where I have been on several of my trips.

We set down at the 37/33 line and headed SW from there.  We ran 3 dipsies per side on the zero, 1 1/2, and 3 settings. 0/50, 1 1/2@75, 3/100. Speed was 2.3-2.5mph.  Our best spoons colors were the Bay Rat blue/silver, Scorpion Confusion, Black Headed Wonderbread, and Red Headed Wonderbread.

It would take all of our 6 hours, but we managed to catch their 18 walleye. 

The Black Headed Wonderbread got bit off, so that one was out of the lineup. I didn't have another one in that color, so I was a bit sad, because it was a hot one! lol

Oh well....I get to do more shopping. ;)

Day two....

Saturday's wind forecast was calling for NW winds 10-14mph and Sunday's was 12-15 out of the NE, so we opted for the lesser of two evils and went today.

I picked my crew up from the White Caps Motel at 6am, and we headed to Big Bopper's for some breakfast before hitting Mazurik's. We launched at 7am and headed east again. My crew already knew the program, so that was helpful in the rougher conditions we faced. 

The waves were solid 2-3's with some 4's thrown in for good measure. I drove NE over to the lee side of Kelly's and then cut the corner to run up the east side of the island, where it was less rough. Once we got up north of the airport I throttled the G2 down, deployed the Ulterra and baby ETEC, and turned the boat to go SE towards the Cedar Point dumping grounds.
We ran the same program as yesterday.

We had 4 fish in the box in the first pass. As we got further from the island the waves got bigger, and Angie was a bit seasick, so we picked up and ran back up towards the NE corner and made another SE pass from there. It wasn't a fast bite today, but we did get them faster than we did yesterday. After the second pass, I accidentally turned off the Autopilot on the Ulttera's remote, and the boat headed in a southerly direction on its own and we put several fish in the box in short order. Once I figured out what happened, we kept that heading and finished out their limit. 

It was a fun two days with this Nebraska crew, and I'm thankful that they were able to travel early as they did.  They had a good time, and that's all that matters.

I have several trips scheduled this coming week, so I'm hoping Mother Nature will give us a break, so I can get them all in.  We shall see.

Stay tuned...

Capt Juls

Haven't Been Out Since Last Thursday

by Capt Juls on 08/27/19

For those of you who check this daily, I'm sorry there isn't anything to report. 

I haven't had a trip since last week, due to wind/weather, and I don't have anything scheduled this week until Friday, so I'm taking a much needed break from social media for the next few days.

It's supposed to blow on and off all week, but looks like Friday will be very much fishable by mid morning, and I'll be back to work then. September looks like it's going to be busy, if Mother Nature behaves and I can get all my trips in. 

Have a great week!

Fishing Two Days with Cally and Diane Morgan...8/19-20/19

by Capt Juls on 08/20/19

Yesterday, was the first of a two day trip with "Mr and Mrs Claus", as I like to call them. Cally and Diane Morgan are from MN and he is the spitting image of the commercial likeness of Santa Claus. They both dress up as the characters for the holiday season and play the parts for different occassions. :)

We went for walleye yesterday and went out to the same area I have been fishing NNE of Kelly's, somewhere out there between Kelly's and the weather buoy. The fish are a bit scattered out there now, compared to the last two weeks, so they are moving. Once you find them though, you can stay on top of them and scratch a limit out of there. However, on windy days, it gets rough way out there, so having closer options is always a good thing. ;)

We ran 4 dipsies and two Off Shore boards. The zero settings were 50 and 60 back with Ripplin Redfins on them. The Huff Daddy color ran on the starboard side, and the blue/chrome ran on the port side. Both caught fish, so they stayed on.
The three settings were running spoons, blue/silver, and a green silver caught fish.

The Off Shore boards were pulling two number 11 Flicker Minnows around and catching fish too. The Purple Flash and Seasick Frog both were productive at 85 and 99 back.

Speed was 2.3-2.6mph

We caught our 3 person limit by 10:30 and headed back in, due to Diane's seasickness. She had taken Dramamine, but it wasn't working. She never got sick, but she was not comfortable or having much fun even though she was a trooper and pretending to be having fun. lol  I've been there, so I know that is NOT fun, no matter what one says. ;)

This morning, I picked them up and was surprised to see Diane decided to go again. She told me that she didn't take anymore Dramamine, because it made her drowzy, even though she took the kind that said "Less Drowziness", and she felt that is what made her queezy yesterday. I said, "Well, it should be less windy today, so that will help too". 

We hit Rickard's for some ice and a few more "Seasick Frogs" in both the Flicker Minnow and the Bandit. Hmmmmm....maybe I should wait to tell you that color until I go pick more up for myself. Every time I tell a good color that is working, and I need to get another one, I can't find one...anywhere! lol

Anyway...it's a productive color. I was told about it by Steve Gregg over in Huron, and I picked one up to try it out. He was right...it's hot, not only over there where he's fishing, but out where I'm fishing too. Thanks for the tip on that color Steve! :)

Today, I ran two Seasick Frog Flicker Minnows behind the Off Shore boards and the usual Ripplin Redfins on the zero setting dipsies. The Huff Daddy took a 30 incher this morning and made Cally's trip, even though it's not his personal best. He's caught a 31 1/4" before, so it was close, but no cigar. 

I picked up two black headed wonder bread Scorpion Spoons this morning at Rickard's too, and it turned out to be a productive one, so I put a second one out....they were on the 2 and 3 setting dipsies at 80 and 95 respectively.

I eventually took one of the wonder breads off though, and put my old trusted silver bellied, with purple and a chartreuse edge on the back, on and it took a few fish towards the end in pretty fast fashion. 

We had our 3 person limit by 9:15 this morning in the same area. I found a small pod of active fish, and just kept turning on them, since the lake was flat and I could do that easily this time.  I'm sure I could have just picked a direction and kept on trolling and found more, because that's how it is now....just keep going...they are all over the place out there. But, if you find some hungry/active fish and you can stay on top of them without any traffic...I suggest doing that....wink wink.

Diane had a much better day today out there too. She didn't get queezy, so that was a relief. She had a lot more fun today, and that makes me happy. 

After we caught your walleye, we did go to a couple of perch spots near Kelly's but only caught one and missed some. It sucked, so we headed in at 11:30, because it was getting hot out....and....it sucked. lol  

I'm off tomorrow, which is a good thing since we have scattered showers and thunderstorms forecast again, but will be out again with Brian and Laura Stanczyk on Thursday and Friday. 

Stay tuned....

Capt Juls

Fishing with Bob, Alex, and Tim 8/17/19

by Capt Juls on 08/17/19

Today's trip was actually paid for last year by Bob's Dad, and Stepmother, but he couldn't catch a break in the weather for the dates he had chosen, so we moved it to this year, and we were finally able to make it out today.

Bob Best Jr, and his son, Alex, and Bob's friend, Tim, made the drive over from Toledo this morning and met me at my house at 6:30am.  We piled in the Excursion and headed to the other side of town to pick up ice at Rickard's and head over to Mazurik's to launch.

We headed east, over in front of Cedar Point and pointed the boat NNE at a trolling speed of 2.3-2.5mph. The waves built as the morning went on and the further northeast we got, but it was never over 3 feet, and then by late morning the winds diminished, and it was 2 foot or less for the ride in.

We caught our 24 walleye limit and one bonus piggy perch using 4 dipsies and 4 Off Shore boards.

The outside dipsies started out on the 3 setting but eventually ended up on the 2 setting at 80 back. The zero setting was catching fish at the 52 and 60 settings. I ran two of the smaller silver hammered Bay Rat spoons that are painted 1/2 blue with a black eye on them on the outside dipsies and two blue/chrome Ripplin Redfins on the inside dipsies.

Two "Walleye Nation Creation" "Reapers" were run on the port side behind the OST boards at 100 back on the outside and 85 on the inside.  I can't remember the names of these two colors I have, but one is purple and I would guess a name like "Electric Purple" or something like that, and the one that I would call Pink Bubblegum was the other. Someone will correct me on the names of colors, I'm sure, so look for that in the comments section. There is a pic of the purple one hanging out of a fishes mouth that Bob is holding. ;)

Two Bay Rats were run behind the Off Shore boards at 125 back on the outside board, and 100 back on the inside board....
Cheap Sunglasses and Purple/Chrome 

Everything posted above caught fish today. 

We got off the lake in plenty of time before the afternoon storms arrived, and I'm hoping I'll have the same luck tomorrow.

Tomorrow, I'll be fishing with a new customer...John Duresky. I'm not sure if he's fishing alone or is bringing some friends along. I guess I'll know in the morning!

Stay tuned....

Capt Juls

Fishing with my Big Brother, Jack, and Phil and Jake 8/12/19

by Capt Juls on 08/12/19

Yesterday, after cleaning the house, cutting my grass, my two neighbor's yards, and getting food ready, I welcomed my big brother, Jack, who hails from Mississippi these days, for a night's stay. His work associate, Phil, and his son would be driving in from NW Detroit to meet at my house this morning. 

After making my brother one of his favorite breakfasts consisting of crispy sauteed chicken livers over toast with sauteed celery, onions, mushrooms, and yellow bell peppers, we waited on the rest of our crew. We really didn't know what time they would arrive since we didn't know what time they left Detroit, but figured it would be around 6:30. They arrived shortly after at 6:40 and we loaded into the old girl (my Excursion) and headed into town to get gas for the Ranger, and ice for the coolers. Then, a quick stop at Rickard's for some Golden Shiners before heading over to Mazurik's to launch.

We had decided on perch today instead of walleye, due to the fact that the wind was forecast for gusty SW winds, and a ride out to where I had been walleye fishing would have been a bad idea.

They didn't care....they are both in high position jobs with a lot of stress, so they both said, almost simultaneously, "I don't care if we even catch any fish. I'm just glad to be out here. It's relaxing". Which is something any Captain would like to hear? lol  


We went perch'n. My first spot was just east of the red can at Starve Island. We had some decent marks, but only brought up 4 pieces of gold there. They weren't on the large size either. Just good eaters.  After texting Capt Kevin, who I found out was hitting all our regular spots up to the north side wasn't fairing well in finding them, so I with the knowledge of knowing that my crew was happy whatever we did, I opted to stay in the south passage. 

After we tried a couple other spots, we went over to the last spot I was at, the last time I went perch'n, which was out in front of the Lakeside pier.  We caught some there, but we missed many more than we caught. The bite was definitely a light one, and not aggressive like we always want it to be. But, we did catch another 18 for Phil and Jake to take home for a nice perch dinner.  Jack flew in, so he couldn't take any back with him.

Capt Kevin had ended up there too, and had more than us closer in to shore than we were, but he also got rained on harder than us, as we were sitting on the outskirts of the rain cloud going over us.

The Pirate Clipper was over there today too, but he wasn't perch'n...they were trolling for walleye with an easy crew, who had the same mindset as my crew. So, I was one of the lucky ones to add to the photos of the "Pirate Clipper was Spotted Today" club when he trolled right by us. They did catch a nice walleye right beside us, so maybe that's why my perch bite was so on and off there. The walleye might have been chasing them down there. ;)

It was a fantastic visit with my brother, and I am so grateful to have had that opportunity. He is the first of my immediate family to come fishing with me. Last year, I had my cousin Jim, and second cousins, Matt and Joe, and we had a great time then too. There's just nothing like fishing with "family" to flood your brain with good memories. :)

I saw that some heavy rain was coming in for tonight and tomorrow, so I didn't schedule a trip tomorrow. I'll be back at it for 10 days straight starting Wednesday.
I don't know what we're fishing for on Wednesday and Thursday yet. I have the same crew both days, so it's all going to depend on the winds and where I need to go, I guess.

Stay tuned....

Capt Juls

Fishing with the Jordan Crew 8/10/19

by Capt Juls on 08/10/19

I was supposed to fish with Brian Jordan and his sons, Brain and Brad, yesterday, but with the wind forecast what it was, I asked them if they could fish today instead. They said they could, if I could pick them up from Kelly's at 8am. 

I left Mazurik's at 7:40 and hit the island marina on time. They were ready to go and climbed in the Ranger when I pulled up to the dock. I made the usual morning, "get to know you" chit-chat as we idled out of the marina. I turned the boat and we headed NE. 

As we got closer to a big pack of boats, I could tell my guys were getting excited. I didn't have the heart to tell them that we had a much longer ride to do yet, so I said...with my arm stretched out and pointing to the horizon..."We're going out there. We have about 5 miles to go yet." They settled in and we listened to the ETEC purr as it breathed in and out of rpms as we rode the trough.

Once the Helix started marking some fish on a regular basis, I came off plane and deployed the Ulterra and the baby E-TEC and set up on a SE troll, so the waves were on one corner of the boat. 

Once again....the usual program, but this time, all Ripplin Redfins were on the dipsies. Speed with the crank program is 2.2-2.5mph. Faster with just spoons.

The dipsies on the zero setting were set at 50 and 60 back. 

The dipsies on the three setting were set at 85 and 92 back.

We ran two Off Shore boards off each side too. The port side started with two Bandits...100 back on the outside board and 85 back on the inside board, and the starboard side had two Bay Rats set at 125 back and 115 back. The Bay Rats caught 2 and the Bandits caught 1. 

After we moved up to make another pass, I switched out the Bay Rats for Reapers, and the Bandits for #11 Flicker Minnows. The Reapers were set at 100 and 85 back and the Flicker Minnows were set at 100 and 85 back also.  The reapers caught 2 and the Flicker Minnows caught 2 or 3.

The majority of the catch was on the dipsies with Ripplin Redfins. I did put on a silver hammered "Scorpion" spoon on one of the 3 setting dipsies, and it caught fish too. So, what did we learn here? It didn't matter what crank they saw...they ate it. :)

We had a nice steady bite of really nice "eaters", which wasn't too fast and not too slow, so my guys kept busy and had a great time.  We took a nice easy ride back to Kelly's after the 24th fish was put in the cooler. 

I'm off tomorrow, but will be back out Monday. My big brother, Jack, who is in Detroit on business, will be staying with me Sunday night, and then fishing with me and two of his work associates on Monday. He will be the first family member to go fishing with me here on Lake Erie, so I'm looking forward to it! Monday's weather is looking fantastic, so it should be a great trip.

Like me, he loves chicken livers too, so I'll be making those for breakfast instead of hitting up Big Bopper's that morning. ;)

Stay tuned....

Capt Juls

Fishing with Bruce and Nate Hezlep 8/5/19

by Capt Juls on 08/05/19

I picked my crew up at a designated spot close to the condo they rented and a parking lot that my rig could easily maneuver in. They jumped in the old Excursion at 5:30 and we were off. We hit speedway to get some ice and to fill a trailer tire that looked low. As I went to get ice, Bruce and Nate got to work putting air in the suspect tire.  When I came back, Bruce said, "That one was down to 14 pounds". "Are you kidding me?", I asked.  "Well, I'm glad we checked it then", I said, shaking my head.  "I'll take it over to my guys at "Tri-County" to get it checked out later.

We hit Mazurik's at 5:50 and headed NE out of there at 6am (navigation lights on, this time). The lake was flat, and the G2 hummed at 4500 RPM's, while we glided across the water in my sparkly red and white Ranger, towards a promising sunrise. It didn't take as long to get to the area I'm working, as it did the previous two days, so that was a good feeling to have this morning.

Same program as yesterday, but we did adjust a little as the morning progressed. We started with dipsies on the zero setting at 50 and 60 back, but eventually, those would go to 50 only.  The Three Setting was at 85, but would also be sent down to 92 back by early to mid morning. The most active biters were at 28 foot, out where I was.  We were done with a 3 man limit by 9am. We also had several throwbacks, which is always good to see. The 2018's are getting some meat on them now. They're still little shits, but they are growing....and, surviving. :)

Bruce and Nate said they had a great time, and were extremely happy with their catch this morning, and that makes me happy. 

I am off tomorrow,  which is probably a good thing, since they are calling for scattered showers and thunderstorms in the morning....good timing, I think. lol

I'll be back out Wednesday with a crew that is staying in Huron, so I'll be launching from Huron on Wednesday.

Stay tuned....

Capt Juls  

Fishing with Marc, Grace, and Triston 8/5/19

by Capt Juls on 08/05/19

I told my crew to meet me at Mazurik's at 6am....and, they were only a few minutes late, driving in from the Cleveland area.  I've fished with Marc for many years now. He first starting fishing with me about 6 years ago. Last year, he brought his daughter, Grace, for the first time, and she loved it, so now he fishes with her instead. Grace brought her new boyfriend Triston along. He's never been fishing, and was looking forward to catching his first walleye.

Both of these "young adults", are the kind that would make any parents proud to have raised.  Triston caught on to using the dipsies pretty quick and was helping me a lot by checking baits, often. The banter between Marc and his daughter was delightful to listen to, and made me smile.

If you haven't read any other of my reports recently, then here is the info posted in them. It's the same program I've been using for several trips now...

#1 Dipsies w/Ring: Zero Setting 50 & 60 back. The Three Setting is set at 85 back.

The "Extra Deep" Bay Rats in Blue/Orange Belly, Purple Chrome, and Cheap Sunglasses at 95, 105, 115, 125 back behind Off Shore inline planer boards.

Speed is 2.3-2.5mph sometimes at 2.6-2.7mph.

As for a location....as most know, I've been fishing the east side of Kelly's. The water there isn't messed up from the algae bloom yet, and fish are willing to bite. There are ton of fish out there, and Helix proves it time and time again, so just drive until your electronics show you some good marks, and set up on them. It's pretty much...that simple right now.

It was a fun morning. We had our 24 walleye in the cooler...plus some throwbacks and "junk fish", by 9:30, I think.  I don't usually look at the clock to see how fast we get done, but my customers always do...and they always giggle when it's relatively fast. So, when Marc commented on the time, I took note. ;)
It was a gorgeous morning too. We watched a beautiful sunrise under mostly clear skies, with an air temperature of 70 degrees. The wind was 8 mph out of the west. The NE rollers from the day before were diminished to nothing with the calm wind we had overnight. The lake was 1-2's out where I was, and a little calmer down inside, closer to the Ohio shoreline.

They all had a good time, and I'm sure we'll be seeing more reports from Marc and Gracie....and, hopefully, Triston too. I liked him, and hope he gets to go again in the future.

Tomorrow, I am fishing with Bruce and Nate Hezlep. The first time I fished with Bruce, Nate was only in 3rd grade. Now, Nate is a firefighter...all grown up! 

The weather looks perfect for the morning, with a light and variable wind, clear skies, and a temp around 68 degrees in the morning.  I hope the fish are still biting like this tomorrow!

Stay tuned....

Capt Juls

Fishing with Tony, Tony, and Alex 8/3/19

by Capt Juls on 08/03/19

The days are getting shorter, and the sun doesn't come up until 6:30 now, so there was no hurry to get to the launch by 5:30.  I left the house at 5:20 and ran to the gas station to pick up some ice for the cooler, before picking my crew up from their hotel at 5:50.  We had agreed to meet at 6am, but they were all downstairs and ready to go when I arrived, so they piled in the old truck and we headed over to Mazurik's.

The sky was clear and the eastern sky was getting lighter as we drove to the launch. We timed it just right, and would be hitting the water on the edge of needing and not needing the navigation lights. By the time Tony backed the Ranger in and parked the truck, it was light enough to leave the navigation lights stored away.

We headed ENE out of the launch. It was one of those mornings that bug the crap out of me. The lake looks nice and flat, but after a NE wind overnight, there were still the "Northeast Rollers" coming in, which makes driving a lot slower. I told my crew that we were making a long run, and they settled in for the ride.

After a 13 mile run, we found the wind picking up a tiny bit out of the NNW, so the rollers were going one way and the waves going another...but, it was still a 2 foot or less sea.  I came off plane and turned the boat to the SSE, and deployed the Ulterra and the baby E-TEC. I set them up to troll together at a speed of 2.2-2.5mph. 

This is the second time in two months that Tony and his nephew Tony have fished with me, and this time they brought their relative, Alex, with them. The two Tony's ran dipsies the last time with me, so they "kind of" remembered what to do. Alex was a clean slate and picked up on it pretty quickly. It was a quick bite this morning, and the first fish hit a silver spoon behind a dipsey set on a three setting at 85 back...that was even before the second rod was let out. The bite stayed pretty steady all morning. Fast enough for "controlled chaos", and slow enough for me to get these guys into a routine of rotating to whose turn it was to reel'm in, grabbing the net, and setting the baits back out.

The 3 setting ran at 85 back and the zero settings were run at 60. Silver spoons were the ticket for us. One I use, is just a plain hammered one, and the other is so chewed up there is just a dot of blue paint left on it, so it's mostly just a silver hammered spoon. One "BS Kustom" spoon ran behind the zero setting dipsey on the starboard side...(I circled the one used in the picture that's posted). It caught a handful of fish too. A Blue/Chrome Ripplin Redfin ran on the zero setting dipsey on the port side and did its own damage to the walleye population. :)

Bay Rats...the "long extra deep divers", Blue/Chrome and Purple/Chrome, ran on the starboard side behind Off Shore inline boards at 125 back.  And, the Cheap Sunglasses and Blue/Chrome ran on the port side at 99 1nd 105 back. All of them caught fish this morning. 

Unlike the last two days of disappointing walleye and perch fishing for me and my crews...this morning's outing... was perfect. And, I needed that....bad! :)

The crew had fun, and were happy with their catch today, and I can't ask for more than that. 

Tomorrow, I am walleye fishing with a regular return customer, Marc Miller, and his daughter Grace, and her boyfriend (to be named tomorrow).  We will be launching out of Mazurik's at 6:20, so we can watch the sun come up on the lake again. Woot! Woot!

Stay tuned....

Capt Juls

Fishing with the Wilburn Family 8/1/19

by Capt Juls on 08/01/19

After several days off, due to reschedules, it was back to business this morning. There was a 15mph NE wind on my back deck at 3am, which kind of pissed me off. It's been NE for days now.  I looked at the iWindSurf app to see what the forecast would be over in Huron for the rest of the morning, and it showed it laying down a little bit...not much, but enough to make it a "go".  

I drove into town at 4:30am to gas up the old Excursion and Ranger for the ride over to Huron. Capt. Kevin was unusually early this morning, as he was already filling up when I got there. He was going to be launching out of Huron too. 

The Wilburn's are from the Columbus area, and were up for the week staying in Huron and vacationing in the area. Doug (the Father) brought his three sons, Aaron, Matt, and Nathan for a day of fishing, because none of them have ever caught a walleye before. 

We left the Huron River at 6am and headed NNE from there. I marked fish on and off for many miles, but never quite found anything that got me excited. The conditions this morning were 2-4's, but they were a mix of waves and swells, so they weren't all close together, which made the driving a little easier...however...still slow going. Running around was not going to be an option...so, getting negative fish to bite was going to be the order of the day.

We stopped to take a pic of the beautiful sunrise as it peaked over the horizon and, then, continued on. We made it to the 27/24 line when I stopped to make a pass back to the south. Most of the fish showing on the Helix were tight to the bottom and below 41 foot. Sure, there was the occasional higher fish, but the majority were down....down...down.  We went about a mile and a 1/2 before we moved up to the 33/24 line and tried again.

We set up with the Scorpion spoons on the dipsies. I had one Silver/Black Ripplin Redfin out, but it didn't do anything today, so eventually, it was taken off and replaced with a spoon.

Now, I'm sure someone, somewhere, got on a good actively feeding pod of walleye and had a spectacular morning catching fish. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case for us this morning. While my crew of novices enjoyed the morning of "fishing"...we only caught 5 keepers to put in the cooler. 
I'd like to say, "The junk fish kept them busy", but that's not the case either. I can count on two hands the number of white perch, white bass, and sheepshead we caught. 

I ran spoons high, med, and low in the water column. The Off Shore boards started out with all #11 Flicker Minnows, but eventually, those were changed out to two Bay Rats on the port side at 100 and 85 back, and Bandits on the starboards side at 85 and 75 back.

Speed was anywhere from 2.2-3.1mph throughout the morning, as I tried different things to get them to bite.

The fish we did catch came on the #3 setting at 75 and 85 back and the zero setting at 60 and 65 back. The Blue/Chrome Bandit at 85 back caught one too.

We only had 4 short walleye that went back...so, with junk fish, and the fish in the cooler...we had maybe a total of 15-20 fish today.  :(

I felt bad and apologized that the catching wasn't better, but they wouldn't hear it. They said they had fun, and caught plenty of fish for the dinner they have planned tonight....and, that made me happy. :)

We headed in a little early, due to a couple of them being seasick....poor guys.

Tomorrow, I have some repeat customers I haven't seen a few years. Kathy and her son, Mathew will be going out to try for some walleye or perch...we haven't decided yet. I would really like to find some perch that are willing to bite, but I won't get my hopes up. lol  I'm sure we will end up walleye fishing, but if I come across something that looks perchy...I'll stop and set up on them and let you know what happens. 

Stay tuned....

Capt Juls

Fishing with Mick and Kyle McMahon Day 2 7/27/19

by Capt Juls on 07/28/19

I hit Mazurik's at 5:20 and waited for someone to show up, who would be willing to back me in, since my crew was out on South Bass Island. I didn't have to wait long, before fellow Capt., Tony Hernandez, showed up with a friend and offered to help. Thanks, Tony!

I headed out of Mazurik's in the dark with a light SW wind. I wasn't worried about not being able to read the waves in the dark, since I knew they were going to be 1 foot or less at that time in the morning.  As I approached Ballast Island, where I entered to go around the island, the sky was lightening enough that I could see things much better. The nice thing about that time of morning, is that there is absolutely no boat traffic yet, so it was a nice peaceful ride over there.

I had texted my crew and told them when I left the dock, so they could be there waiting for me when I arrived. And, they were. Right on time. I picked them up at 5:45 from Put-In-Bay, and headed back out east of the island.  This time though, knowing it was going to blow a little harder as the morning progressed, I opted to fish between Kelly's and the Bass Islands, instead of running miles to the east of Kelly's.

We used the same program with the dipsies as I have been using, and the silver with blues are still out fishing anything else I put on. I know the bait shops can't seem to get any silver with blue, so if any custom guys reading this can tell me why that is...that would be great. lol  I don't get it? "Match the hatch" they always say, and what matches the minnow hatches around here better than a silver with blue schemed spoon? 


We caught a ton of non-target species along with their two man limit too, so they were kept very busy. They said they had fun too. I told them though, that if they came back again, that they would need to stay on the mainland. I told them, that with the SW wind, we would have probably driven over to launch out of Huron, had they not been on the island. It would have given us a lot of great areas to fish right now.

I doubt very much I will approve anymore island pick ups for the above reason, unless it's in the spring and early summer. 

I am off today, and have rescheduled some regulars for tomorrow, to next Saturday, because of the gusty forecast....so, I won't be out until Tuesday...weather permitting.

Stay tuned....

Capt Juls

Fishing with Mick and Kyle McMahon 7/26/19

by Capt Juls on 07/26/19

I got to sleep in this morning. My crew wasn't expected to fly into Port Clinton until 8:30am, so I set the alarm for an extra hour and took advantage of some REM and weird dreams this early am. 

I had already gassed up the Ranger the other day, when I canceled my trip, so I didn't have to make that usual stop this morning. I did have to stop at Rickard's though, because I needed lots of ice.  The Wisconsin crew consisting of a Father and Son team had me pick up some groceries for them, and beer, for their trips today and tomorrow, so the extra cooler was going to need ice too. I thought I had enough, but it was melting fast in the afternoon heat....and, it got hot out there when the wind died around 1:00pm.

They caught their limit and only one of mine today. It was a slow bite, but close enough together to keep them interested and watching the dipsies for a telltale sign of fish. And, in between the walleye bites, they caught plenty of sheepshead, white perch, and white bass too.  

Standard size 1 with the ring is what I use...in black. The three setting today was set at 65/70/75 and the zero setting was best at 60 back. Speed was 2.4-2.7mph.  I have heard more than once today though that some were catching at even faster speeds...upwards of 3.0-3.5mph.

I tried the new 3 5/8" spoons sent to me by BS Kustom Lures (Steve Helmuth), and they worked well. You can see a picture of them on my biz page...just scroll down the wall. They outfished the Ripplin Redfins today, but a simple silver hammered "Michigan - Scorpion" spoon probably caught the most fish. :)

I will be launching early tomorrow, so I can pick them up from PIB in time for a sunrise on the lake. And, hopefully, the early bite will be better than it was after 10am. Well, either way, it will be cooler earlier and more comfortable....so, there's that. ;)

Stay tuned....

Capt Juls