Juls WFA Blog
Fishing with Greg, Shane, and Adam 3/20/15
by Capt Juls on 03/20/16I hadn't been out since last Tuesday, before the blow, and I was a little apprehensive about what kind of bite it would be after the winds we just had.
Fishing with the Chapman's 3/15/16
by Capt Juls on 03/16/16Steve and Jeremy Chapman drove up from Columbus, and met me at the Catawba ramp at 8am. They were only an hour late (as usual)...lol But, I love these guys, and they fish with me a lot, so I'm used to waiting on them. Jeremy and I even joke about it. He told me before, "Tell my dad that you want us there an hour earlier than the time you actually want to go, and we'll be on time"!
The New Ranger 621/ETEC G2 is HOME!!
by Capt Juls on 03/03/16I finally got the new boat home! Woot! Woot!
Just a Thank You...:)
by Capt Juls on 02/15/16I just spent this past weekend at the Columbus Fishing Expo, and while it didn't book more than one "for sure" fishing reservation for me, I just wanted to say, "Thank you" to all the nice folks who stopped by to say, "Hi", and to tell me how much they enjoy my fishing blog. I was quite surprised how many people do read my blog, and it motivated me to keep on writing this season.
See You at the Columbus Fishing Expo!
by Capt Juls on 02/10/16Headed down to Columbus in the morning to set up for the show. I'll be there, sharing a booth with Capt Kevin Swartz...right next to the Off Shore Tackle booth.
Feeling Fortunate...:)
by Capt Juls on 02/02/16It is with great pleasure that I can announce that I have been added to the newly created "Great Lakes Pro Staff" for Smithwick, Bandit, and Bomber Lures!
Thank You Everyone!
by Capt Juls on 01/22/16Just wanted to say thank you to all my customers... those that have booked another trip with me, and those that are trying it for the first time this season.
Awesome Day Fishing Open Water Jan. 9th, 2016!
by Capt Juls on 01/10/16I was invited to fish with my Facebook friends, Ron Schlosser and is brother, Bob, yesterday, and I enthusiastically said, "Yes!"
A Prime Trophy Walleye Weekend Has Opened Up....
by Capt Juls on 01/07/16
Had a customer call to reschedule a spring walleye trip, due to a daughter's Horse competition that same weekend.
So, Saturday April 30th and Sunday May 1st are now available.
My next available weekend wouldn't be until June, so if you want a good weekend to do some trophy walleye fishing on Lake Erie's Western Basin....contact me asap....
Fishing with Ben, Mike, and Drew 12/23/15
by Capt Juls on 12/23/15Last night, I received a call from Ben Rewa, (one of my regular customers) asking me if I wanted to go fishing this morning on his boat. How could I refuse? It's the day before Christmas Eve, and it's a 60+ degree day, and the walleye are biting right now! :)
Don't wait too long to book an April or May date, because they are filling fast!
The dates still available right now are:
April: 4, 5, 6, 13,
May: 17, 18, 26, 31
Is It Spring Yet??? I'm Bored Out of My Mind!
by Capt Juls on 12/04/15This time of year is very hard for me. My 2015 Ranger went to its new home back in November, and I have been without a boat since. I'm seriously going through fishing withdrawals.
Another Season Comes to an End...
by Capt Juls on 11/06/15Good morning....just a few thoughts....
Nice Day to End the Season...
by Capt Juls on 10/30/15We got a late start to the morning, due to a train that had stopped in the middle of the tracks over in the middle of Oak Harbor, and trapped my MI crew for a 1/2 hour, before someone gave them directions around it, in order to get to my house.
Last Trip of the Season...
by Capt Juls on 10/30/15It's been a busy month, with a lot of wind, and a lot of rescheduled trips for the spring! I have been busy fishing on the big boats, working as a first mate, when it was too rough for my customers, and they wanted to reschedule, to the spring.
Sorry! It's a day late..Perch Fishing with the MI Guys 10/10/15
by Capt Juls on 10/11/15Jeff, Don, and Ken met me at my house at 6:40am, and we loaded them in the Excursion and headed to the bait shop to get some fresh emerald shiners for a day of perch fishing. However, I was disappointed in the scoop count, and doubly disappointed with the price for the short scoop count, so I scrambled to get some frozen shiners from a friend's boat, at "Anchors Away Marina", in case we needed them, because I didn't grab any out of my freezer. Luckily, I was able to catch him before he got out fishing, and I traded some brownies for some frozen shiners, so everyone was happy. lol
Went Fun Fishing today...
by Capt Juls on 10/07/15First time out since the big blow this past weekend. The satellite picture shows the water cleaning up nicely on the west side and north side of the islands. I think Huron still needs a day or two to clean up more, before we start looking for walleye over there though.
She's Blowing this week....deep sigh
by Capt Juls on 10/01/15
Mother Nature is mad. She's huffing and puffing. I had to cancel a three day trip this weekend, and my Tuesday and Wednesday just rescheduled to the spring. Thanks Momma N!!
On the bright side, hopefully, this will push those big walleye from from the east back over this way again. When it cleans up, the walleye bite should be back on over here! Fingers crossed!
by Capt Juls on 09/26/15
Yesterday's trip was pretty much a bust. I had three fellas in the boat and we hit 13 spots, only to catch 23 perch in 8 hours!
Today was a little better action. Three of us hit two spots and ended up with their two man limit of 60 perch in 6 hours.
It wasn't fast catching, but there were plenty of missed bites to keep our interest. We didn't have a lot of junk fish either, so that was good.
The same two guys will be fishing with me tomorrow, for 4 hours, and we plan to hit the Rattlesnake and Green Island area again, since the winds will be out of the SE.
If you go out, don't worry about wondering where to fish, because there were a gazillion boats out there today.
Day Two with John and John 9/23/15
by Capt Juls on 09/23/15I woke up thinking what a great day it was going to be, because the lake was going to be flat, and I could run fast in my sparkly Ranger up to Canada in a speedy fashion. Even as I drove out to Big Bopper's for breakfast, the fog was a tell tale sign that there was no wind. Well, the wind was somehow out on the lake and not on shore....go figure! While it wasn't bad, I couldn't go fast like I wanted to....deep sigh.