Juls WFA Blog
Perch and Walleye Fishing with John and John 9/22/15
by Capt Juls on 09/22/15After breakfast at Big Boppers, and running to Bayview to get Emerald Shiners for the perch part of the trip today, I met my crew over at Mazurik's at 7am.
Perch Fishing with the Beiser Brothers 9/14/15
by Capt Juls on 09/15/15Picked my crew up at their hotel yesterday, at Noon, and headed to Mazurik's to launch. We were headed out to do some perch fishing for a few hours for the afternoon.
Perch and Walleye Fishing in September
by Capt Juls on 09/09/15Well, my bad...I haven't blogged for almost 10 days! I've been very busy, and have neglected my blog. I have had a couple days off to get things done around the house and got the boat cleaned up, so I'm going to just give a few thoughts of what's going on on Lake Erie at the moment.
Fishing Aboard the Pirate Clipper 8/30/15
by Capt Juls on 08/31/15
We had a good day of fishing aboard the "Pirate Clipper" yesterday... which is 'Eye-Catcher Charters 37' TollyCraft.
The 6 man group ended the trip with a 5 man limit (plus 1),...which is great, because after the walleye bite these past 10 days, we weren't expecting to catch very many, and would have been happy with 6-10 walleye and a mess of perch.
It started out as a combo trip, because if the walleye weren't going to be cooperative, we would have switched over to Perch. But, the Walleye Gods were happy yesterday, thankfully, and let us catch a bunch!
The customers appeared to have had a great time, and were all smiles when I saw them, as they were leaving, at Anchor's Away Marina, after the trip.
If you're searching for a great captain for a larger group than I can take (wink wink)....give Capt Eric Litton a call. For more information and rates, you can visit his website here: http://eye-catchercharters.com/index.htm
You won't be disappointed.
Fishing with Tim and Matt McGlothlin 8/28-8/29/15
by Capt Juls on 08/31/15On Friday morning I picked my crew up at their hotel at 7:45...a late start, because they had not arrived in town until around 3am, giving them only a few hours rest. I had gotten up at 3am, which is my usual routine, and left the house at 5am to go on a minnow hunt for the day's bait.
Walleye Fishing Fun 8/16/15
by Capt Juls on 08/18/15I realize this is a couple days late, but it's the first chance I've had to get caught up enough to sit down and write this blog.
Been Gone A while...Meta Lake Lodge Vacation Was an Adventure 8/6-8/15/15
by Capt Juls on 08/18/15For those of you who have been reading my blogs for a long time, I thank you. I apologize for the lack of blogging the past two weeks, but I was up in Canada at a fly in for 9 days. But, when I did get home at midnight on the 16th, I was able to get 4 hours of sleep before heading out fishing on Lake Erie with "EyeCatcher" Charters...I didn't have a trip, so when I don't have my own trips on my Ranger, I fish as a first mate on his 37 foot TollyCraft. On Lake Erie, first mates also need a Captain's license. So, since I happen to have one, I qualify for the job. :)
Fishing with David, Justin, and Brennan 8/4/15
by Capt Juls on 08/04/15My crew met me at my house at 5:30(ish) this morning, and we loaded up and headed over to Huron to launch. We were out of the channel at 6:45 and headed over to the Sawmill area, where I was fishing two days ago, while playing first mate aboard the 'Pirate Clipper'. There were really good marks there the other day, but not nearly as many today.
Fishing with Anthony, Shawn, and Chuck 7/29/15
by Capt Juls on 07/29/15My crew was driving in this morning, and I couldn't remember if I was supposed to meet them at Mazurik's at 6 or 7am this morning, so I thought I'd better be there by 6.
Fishing with Chuck and His Boys...7/24/15
by Capt Juls on 07/24/15Okay, okay, I'm sorry I haven't blogged a lot this week. I have been getting texts and emails asking me if everything is okay, because they haven't seen a blog entry from me in a few days. Everything is fine! I'm just running short on time each day.
Fishing with Jeff and Mike 7/19/15
by Capt Juls on 07/19/15Hey! I get to start this blog off differently tonight. Instead of my usual, "I picked my customers up at their hotel at...", I get to say, my customers sent me a text this morning at 5:05 that said, "We're out in front of the Best Western". As I blinked the sleep out of my eyes, I was washed over with the overwhelming feeling of failure. I let my guys down. I was LATE!!!
Fishing with John and Bob 7/16/15
by Capt Juls on 07/16/15Picked my crew up at their hotel at 5am, got gas, ice, and stopped for breakfast at Big Bopper's before heading to Mazurik's, where we launched at 6am. By 6:30 we were up in Canada fishing on the west side of Pelee Island.
Fishing with Randy and Stacy 7/11/15
by Capt Juls on 07/12/15Picked my crew up at their hotel at 5:15 am and headed to Big Bopper's for some breakfast, before launching from Mazurik's at 6:15.
Fishing with John and Joe 7/10/15
by Capt Juls on 07/10/15While I waited on my original customer this morning to show at 5am, I received a text that said, "Check your email...I'm so sorry!!" It was my customer telling me that, due to unforeseen circumstances that arose late last night, he would not be able to go today. I was bummed, because it was going to be a great day, with a calm lake, and NO RAIN....and, he had a Canadian license! Oh well....stuff happens. I have enough to cleaning to keep me busy too.
Fishing with Andy, Jeff, and Max 7/9/15
by Capt Juls on 07/09/15I got to start my day off by stopping by Magruder hospital for a random drug test, at 6am. I had to meet my customers at 8am, so I had to do it before meeting them. It's just one of those annoyances we must go through to keep our Capt's licenses.
Fishing with Melinda, Jacob, and Kaleb 7/8/15
by Capt Juls on 07/09/15Last week, after the big blow, I had rescheduled the three trips I had before leaving for Wisconsin for the holiday weekend. It was a nice visit up there with family. It was my Mom's 80th birthday and my Sister's 58th birthday. I was also fortunate enough to visit my Dad's sister, my aunt, who was in hospice, to tell her I loved her and to say goodbye. She slipped away peacefully, and without pain on this day.
Fishing with Pat and Janene Parks 6/26/15
by Capt Juls on 06/26/15The weather was nice this morning as I readied the boat for the day. The forecast called for light winds early and then building as the morning went on, which would allow my crew and I to get up to the east side of Pelee on a relatively calm lake. Waves were only 1 foot or less at 6am.
Fishing with Karl, Dee, and Mark 6/24/15
by Capt Juls on 06/24/15I was supposed to fish with Karl, Dee, and Mark yesterday, but since I had a last minute cancellation for today, and the wind was blowing out of the NW yesterday, my crew opted to fish today instead.
Fishing with Bob and Jared Luellen, and Anna 6/21/15
by Capt Juls on 06/22/15
Saturday night, I was invited out to dinner. I met Bob, Jared, and Anna at Ciao Bella for some great food. Bob is not only a friend, but also my marine insurance man. He owns World Wide Marine Insurance. If you own a boat, he's the only guy you want to talk to!
Anyway....We decided that since I had Monday off, we could go later than my normal start time of 6am. Jared and Anna liked that idea very much, since neither wanted to get up early. :)
Fishing with David, Cindy, and Dash 6/17/15
by Capt Juls on 06/17/15Launched out of Mazurik's with two of my favorite Facebook friends, David and Cindy Michael, and their son, Dash. Winds were out of the east at about 15 at 6am and would be laying down as the morning progressed. Waves were 1-3 feet.