Juls WFA Blog
Tougher Fishing today...lots of Junk fish and Remnants of a Huge Hatch...
by Capt Juls on 06/16/15We went to the same area, and it showed lots of marks, but it was tougher for us today. Only got 10 walleye. One walleye for every 10 junk fish it seemed.
Fishing with Mark and Jim 6/15/15
by Capt Juls on 06/15/15Let me first start out by saying, "Thank you Mother Nature" for the nice weather today. After seeing all of thunderstorms last night on on my radar app, I was doubtful we would be fishing this morning. One of my crew was a little miffed that I told them to come down from Wisconsin when he called the day before. But, at that time, it looked okay, so I told them what I would do with the info I had in front of me.
Fishing with Rich, Andy, and Jeff 6/14/15
by Capt Juls on 06/14/15I thought we would be dodging thunderstorms all day, but we made out pretty well, I think.
Fishing with Jim and Dan 6/12/15
by Capt Juls on 06/14/15I didn't have time to get my blog done for Jim Marshall and Dan Pluckett the other day, so here it is. Short and sweet, because I just spilled a banana smoothie on my external keyboard, and I don't know how long I have before one of my vowels stops working. lD'Oh!
Fishing with the Gahan's 6/11/15
by Capt Juls on 06/11/15
Today I fished with the father and son team from Pewaukee, WI. I picked them up at their hotel this morning at 5:15...oh, wait, that's what time I was supposed to pick them up. Unfortunately for them, their desk clerk neglected to actually set their wake up call, so when I texted them at 5:14 to say "wake up", I didn't know my "joke" would be actually be waking them up!
They came out a short time later, and we left, headed to the gas station and bait shop, before launching. "Did I lock the car?" John asked his son, Matt. "I don't know", said a sleepy young 17 year old from the back seat. I asked, "Do you want to go back?" He hesitated, and I offered, "We're not that far yet. I'll turn around". So, we headed back to the hotel, because I know that creepy feeling, and he didn't need to have that nagging at him all morning.
Fishing with the Chapman's 6/9/15
by Capt Juls on 06/10/15It was a fiasco of a morning yesterday, and our 9am start ended up starting at 12:30pm instead....I screwed up...again (deep sigh). Let me explain.
We hit Mazurik's at Noon and were headed up to the west side of Gull to fish. We started up closer to the line, and headed southeast along the edge of the shoal, and picked up 4 small walleye right away. Whew! There would be no "skunk" in the boat today!
After a Whole Week Off....
by Capt Juls on 06/07/15It's been an entire week since I wrote my blog last, and I have been getting emails and PM's asking me if I'm okay, because I haven't written anything for a while...(thanks for checking in on me, by the way!)
Wicked NE Blow and Torrential Rain....ugh!
by Capt Juls on 06/01/15Yesterday, we had a big NE blow with sustained winds over 30mph and several inches of rain in the immediate area. This will cause flooding of the streams and rivers emptying into Lake Erie, so expect a lot of muddy water and floating debris for the rest of the week.
Fishing with Dave and Joey Buttram 5/30/15
by Capt Juls on 05/30/15
A couple days ago, I wasn't sure if today's trip was going to happen, because the forecast was calling for storms. When I got up at 3am this morning, the forecast was looking good for getting our day in. The storms weren't going to happen until later this evening. Whew!
Fishing with Mike, Logan, and Joe 5/29/15
by Capt Juls on 05/29/15After yesterday's successful walleye fishing near the Marblehead lighthouse, I thought it would be best to try there again this morning. We had a 6 hour window to get their 18 fish, but only managed to get 9 today. I did notice that last night there was a big Midge Fly hatch. Their carcasses were all over the surface of the lake where we were fishing. It might have helped cause the slower bite today, but I can't say for sure.
Fishing with Joe, Rick, and John 5/28/15
by Capt Juls on 05/29/15I picked my crew up from the Quality Inn at 5am and headed for breakfast at Big Boppers, before heading to Mazurik's to launch by 6am. It was a 10 hour perch and walleye day combo trip, so I thought I would head down to the lighthouse to do some perch'n first. But, that lasted about 20 minutes, with all the white perch, white bass, and sheephead hitting the minnows. I said, "Let's go walleye fishing first", and we pulled the perch rods in and started setting out the crawler harnesses.
Fishing with Guy, CJ, and Sam 5/26/15
by Capt Juls on 05/26/15I left the house at 5am and headed to Huron with the Ranger in tow. I was meeting my crew there at 5:45, so we could launch at 6am. I had to stop at the gas station first, to get some ice for the big cooler. I like to bleed the fish and get them on ice right away, now that the temps are getting warmer.
Fishing with the McGlothlin Brothers 5/23-5/25/15
by Capt Juls on 05/25/15This is going to be a three day blog all in one, because once again I am short on time....deep sigh.
Memorial Day Weekend...Friday through Monday...in a nut shell....
by Capt Juls on 05/25/15Sorry I didn't blog all weekend, but it was extremely busy, and the days were very long. I just didn't have time to get it done. I apologize.
Fishing with Larry, Tom, and Jax Ohda 5/20/15
by Capt Juls on 05/20/15It was blowing this morning when I woke up, but I knew it would be. It was supposed to lay down later in the day, so I had told my crew I would pick them up at their cottage at 8:30am. We would be driving over to Huron to launch by 9am.
Fishing Day 2 with the Becker's 5/18/15
by Capt Juls on 05/18/15After waking up 45 minutes late, because I had forgot to set my alarm (D'Oh), I was out of sync this morning. But, luckily, I get everything ready the night before, so the only thing I missed was my second cup of coffee and my internet "fix". I stayed on time thanks to that routine.
Fishing with the Becker's 5/17/15
by Capt Juls on 05/17/15I met Tim and Nick Becker at Mazurik's, and we launched at 6am. We headed to Kelly's northwest side where I fished the day before. It was a perfect morning. Cloudy skies, calm seas, and one of the first boats on the lake....ahhhh paradise! We didn't see any other boats when we arrived, so we set lines and started fishing.
Fishing with Ben, Chris, and Dennis 5/14/15
by Capt Juls on 05/14/15Ben and his friends met me at the house this morning at 5am and we did the morning routine of getting gas, ice, and a bite to eat before hitting Catawba for a 6:45 launch.
Fishing with the Rupp Brothers 5/10 & 5/11/15
by Capt Juls on 05/11/15I fished the past two days with Don and Bob Rupp. Don flew in from California, and met his brother in Illinois, where they drove down together. I was initially concerned with the weather forecast, and had let them know before coming over here, that there might be a chance that we wouldn't get out due to storms. But, Don informed me that they were coming anyway, because he couldn't get a refund on his plane tickets. So, we planned for the worst, and hoped for the best, and as it turned out, the weather was perfect both days on the water.
I picked them up at the designated time and we hit Rickard's for some ice on the way to Catawba. We talked about how lucky they have been with the weather, and that it had rained over night, but the day looked like it was going to be a nice day again. It was.
Fishing with Ben, Jason, and Nate 5/9/15
by Capt Juls on 05/09/15This is going to be short tonight. I'm whooped and can hardly keep my eyes open right now.